Page 39 - Intra Muros March 2024
P. 39

eather is used in an array   Top and full grain                    Leather tanning
             of different products. Book   As part of the involved upholstery leather   Tanning is the process that turns an animal
        Lcovers, all kinds of bags,       preparation process, suitable animal hides   hide into leather. It preserves the hide,
        purses, clothes, upholstery material,   are split into a top layer (the one with hair)   makes it softer, more pliable and durable.
        shoes, boots, belts and even wall   and a thick lower layer.
        papers are popular products in                                          Today, virtually all leather is tanned with
        leather used all around the world.   The top layer, also called top grain, can   a chromium tanning process, a mineral
        The durability and flexibility of   either be processed into full grain leather   tanning type. With normal use and care,
        leather makes it an excellent     that is not buffed and sanded; or into   modern chromium tanning techniques
        alternative to other covering     corrected grain leather that has had the   produce leather upholstery that can last
        materials. The quality of leather,   surface markings altered by buffing and   several decades. .
        which keeps it cool in summer and   sanding.
        warm in winter, ranks it as the top                                     Leather market trends
        choice for upholstery.            Splits                                Fine leather upholstery was found in the
                                          The lower layer may be further split and   dens and living rooms of only the very
        Leather obtained from cows, goats,   processed into suede split or coated split   wealthy. Heavy, traditional styles and
        sheep, and pigs is a common source,   leather. Coated split leather is stiffer and   intense colours such as burgundy, oxblood,
        and rare sources like ostriches and   less durable than top grain leather. It is   burnt orange, rust walnut, tortoise, navy
        stingrays can have different finishes   sometimes used to cover upholstered sides   and blackberry characterised the category.
        and appearances. The type of leather   and backs that do not need to flex and move   These leathers had heavenly glazed, shiny
        is chosen depending on the kind of   much.                              finishes. Massive, traditional Chesterfields
        usage and wear and tear requirements                                    tufted wing chairs, traditionally padded
        of the furniture. Chairs, sofa sets,   Bonded leather                   armed and double bustle pub sofas
        recliners, stools, day beds, bean bags,   Bonded leather is made of leather pieces   characterised leather upholstered
        car seats, and cushions use leather   glued together, then covered with a vinyl   furniture styles.
        upholstery. High-quality leather is   top. Bonded leather behaves much like vinyl.
        expensive. The raw material cost   The only difference is that it doesn’t have   More recently, advances in tanning,
        represents a substantial percentage   the same ability to stretch, but a significant   technology, globalisation, the introduction
        of the total cost of manufacturing   advantage is that it is less expensive.  of composite leather materials, and
        leather upholstery.                                                     changes in consumer buying preferences
                                          Durability                            have helped leather furniture sales grow
        Leather is undoubtedly the best   Regarding durability, full-grain leather,   tremendously.
        choice for furniture upholstery   corrected-grain leather, and split leather
        because it lasts up to five times more   of comparable thickness have the same   Contemporary-styled leather upholstery
        than fabrics. It can resist stains,   strength characteristics. Split leather usually   has emerged as a growth category with
        wear and tear and spills. The natural   does not have as good flex resistance, which   broad consumer appeal. The styling of
        glossiness of the material makes it   is why it is used in non-flexible areas. Grain   upholstered pieces has changed, and
        more desirable. It is easy to maintain   correction, or removing the top grain layer,   leather now comes in a wider array of
        leather and it only becomes more   does not alter strength when comparing   designer colours and is softer, more pliable
        durable with time.                equally thick samples.                and comfortable.

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