Page 41 - Intra Muros March 2024
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blend of sleek lines, organic shapes,   Natural greens, which display life’s true   Bold, vibrant colours, whimsical patterns,
        and functional design. These pieces are   essence, are great for flowy furniture   and playful wall elements will take the
        aesthetically pleasing and tell a story of   with organic shapes and curvilinear   spotlight in 2024. This trend is immensely
        an era that valued nature, simplicity and   designs. Whether it’s a round sofa,   appealing because it taps into the human
        innovation.                          sweeping chaise, or Art Nouveau lamp,   desire for joy and positivity, making every
                                             the allure of natural greens will add a   day feel like a celebration. These vibrant
        Every room needs at least one wooden   visual appeal to create a harmonious and   shades will inject an unapologetic sense
        piece to create a look that feels cosy and   inviting atmosphere in your living room,   of fun and energy into interiors, creating
        considered. Wooden shades of natural   kitchen or bedroom.              spaces that radiate positivity.
        stone, soil and clay can make your home
        feel familiar and inviting - think about   Bringing together the effortless elegance   One of the interior trends of 2024 is
        adding playful combinations of wooden   and complementing forms of soft greens   centred around embracing productivity.
        tables, utensils, chairs, shelves, benches,   and blues inspired by the woods and   The home office isn’t going anywhere
        walls and more to add a mellow touch   seas will create a welcoming space where   – it’s becoming a permanent fixture in
        which will bring positive energy to your   you can feel peaceful and understand   homes. With remote work here to stay,
        space.                               the value of the simpler things you have   people invest in ergonomic furniture,
                                             achieved and aim to achieve in 2024.  soundproofing, and stylish design to make
        Dulux’s Sweet Embrace™, reminiscent                                     their workspaces more functional and
        of the retro era, will be the mood of the   Lighting should follow suit in line with   inspiring.
        moment in 2024. This earthy colour shade   the fluid blues and natural greens trend
        brings a warm, nostalgic feel to modern   of inviting the outdoors inside. In fact, a   When creating a productive home office,
        interiors, providing a perfect blend of   sunny ambiance is the ultimate design   choosing the right colours is essential. The
        nostalgia and contemporary design, perfect   accessory that will be popular in 2024.   best colours for a home office are those
        for a touch of vintage aesthetics as well.  Hence, it is important that you welcome   that promote focus, a sense of calm and
                                             the benefits of natural light into your   creativity. If your work involves creativity
        By adding wooden décor elements, you   home – think large windows, skylights,   and brainstorming, brighter and more
        will create a personal space that feels   and strategically placed mirrors to   vibrant colours like yellow can be a great
        comfortable and safe, a space that’s   amplify the effect.              choice for your home office. Yellow is often
        familiar and embracing – somewhere you                                  associated with creativity and can inspire
        can feel snug and find relief.       Walls with upbeat colours          innovative ideas and artistic expression.
                                             In 2024, mixing dreamy tones of    Dulux’s dreamy tones of lilacs and yellows
        Fabrics and Furniture with shades    lilacs and yellows will help create   can help you create a workspace full of fun,
        of natural greens and blues to add a   a fun, upbeat and friendly scenery   energy and joy, ensuring you are always
        soothing touch                       without overpowering your space, and   open to new ideas and solutions.
        Your home will need to have soft fabrics   overwhelming the eye. Here, set against
        and flowing furniture to bring functionality,   the Colour of the Year 2024, Sweet   Let your home reflect your
        tranquillity and serenity to your space,   Embrace™, soft ochre colours such as the   personality and style in 2024
        positively rejuvenating your mood beyond   Mustard Oil bring an extra blast of light-  The choice of furniture, fabrics, aesthetics,
        2024. Fluid blue tones that evoke thoughts   heartedness and warmth to your home,   and wall colours in your home can
        of nature are perfect for your pillows,   adding a smile to your face – ensuring   significantly impact mood, making it
        blankets, curtains, bedding and towels in   that you feel energised, joyful, and open   important to consider the desired style
        your bedroom and bathroom.           to new possibilities.              and atmosphere carefully. Your home
                                                                                should reflect your personal preferences
                                                                                and style to create a space where you feel
                                                                                comfortable and motivated. Dulux’s annual
                                                                                ColourFutures™ research can help keep you
                                                                                up to date with the latest décor and design
                                                                                colour trends easily with expert guidance,
                                                                                and interchangeable colour palettes that
                                                                                work seamlessly together.

                                                                                Discover how Sweet Embrace™ and the
                                                                                new Dulux Colour of the Year palettes
                                                                                could transform your home with the Dulux
                                                                                Visualizer App. It’s the perfect companion
                                                                                to help provide a little colour guidance for
                                                                                your unique style.

                                                                                For more décor and design tips and colour
                                                                                inspiration, visit the Dulux social pages on
                                                                                Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram.

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