Page 45 - Intra Muros March 2024
P. 45

DOMESTICS                  Minkie  is  looking  for  full-time  domestic   Wilson is  looking for gardening  work  in
                                             work,  Monday  to  Friday.  She  is  a  hard   Silver Lakes. He is good with landscaping
        Domestic  worker  Semia  is  looking  for  a   worker with good references. Contact her on   and  handyman  work.  Call  Wilson  on
        position  in  Pretoria  east  and  surrounds.   082  990  4851,  or  for  a  reference  call   068  534  8916.  References  available  on
        She  does  cleaning,  washing  and  ironing.   083 360 5902.               request.
        Call her on 064 429 8171.
                                             My domestic worker is looking for additional   Jolium  is  looking  for  sleep-in  work.
        Ida  is  looking  for  domestic  work  in  and   work.  She  has  been  working  for  me  for   He  is  handy,  and  can  do  anything
        around  Silver  Lakes  live-out.  She  is   four  years  now.  She  is  hardworking  and   inside  and  outside  the  house.  He  is  an
        friendly, reliable and hardworking. She will   experienced. She works thoroughly without   excellent  gardener  and  builder.  He  is
        never  leave  my  house  untidy  or  any  jobs   any supervision She speaks English fluently   also good with animals and can look
        unfinished.  She  speaks  English  well.  She   and ready to start work at any time. Call her   after  the  house  and  animals  if  the
        has access to the estate. Our needs have   on 071 901 3837.                owners are away. He is English speaking,
        changed, and we now require someone to                                     hardworking,  reliable  and  friendly.  We
        live-in. Call Ida on 074 641 2883, or for a   Our  brilliant  domestic  worker  is  looking  for   can highly recommend him. Call him on
        reference call Nicole on 084 528 0985.  additional work on Saturdays. Not only is she   078 495 2382. References available.
                                             extremely reliable and competent, she works
        Ideth  is  looking  for  domestic  work,   independently  and  goes  above  and  beyond   Justice  has  worked  for  me  for  14  years
        Monday to Friday. She is also an excellent   what is required. She is also a qualified elderly   and has worked in Silver Lakes in
        caregiver.  She  is  fluent  in  English,  softly   caretaker as well as a childminder. References   different  gardens  during  this  time.  He
        spoken,  hardworking,  patient,  reliable,   are  available  on  request.  She  is  working  in   is a good gardener and has worked for
        experienced and always on time. Call her   Silver Lakes and has an access card in place.   a  landscaping  company.  He  can  repair
        on 079 803 1447. References available.  You’ve  tried  the  rest,  now  try  the  absolute   sprinklers, lay garden paving, do garden
                                             best (by far!). Call Susan on 063 461 6173.  stones,  and  clean  the  swimming  pool.
        Judith is looking for work in Silver Lakes.                                He has a friendly demeanour and takes
        She  is  available  every  day.  She  can  do   Stella Manda, a Malawian lady, is looking for   instructions  well;  he  is  honest  and
        washing,  ironing  and  all  the  household   domestic work on Mondays and Wednesdays.   reliable. We travel a lot and always come
        work  without  supervision.  Call  Judith  on   She is excellent at cleaning and pays attention   back  to  have  everything  in  place.  Call
        084  657  8884.  References  available  on   to  detail.  She  is  hardworking,  reliable  and   Justice on 076 631 3772.
        request.                             speaks  very  good  English.  For  a  reference,
                                             please call Michelle on 082 781 2389, or call   Leopold is looking for work in Silver Lakes
        Lihna has been working for us for the last   Stella directly on 068 857 8762.  as  a  gardener.  He  is  trustworthy  and
        13 years. She is reliable and a hard worker.                               committed to his work. Call Leopold on
        She  is  always  at  her  post.  She  is  quiet   Winnie is looking for part-time domestic work   081764  9982.  References  available  on
        and  caring.  She  is  looking  for  work  on  a   three days a week. She works in Silver Lakes   request.
        Wednesday.  For  a  reference  call  Magriet   on the other days. She is never late for work;
        on 083 556 4763.                     she has a pleasant disposition she is always   Luka and his wife Nolliah are looking for
                                             able  to  finish  work  on  time  and  without   work in the estate, as a team or separately.
        Martha has worked for us in Silver Lakes   problems. I highly recommend her. Call her on   Luka is a hardworking and honest gardener
        for three years as a cleaner and also does   074 905 1469. Reference available on request.  and is up to any task that needs to be done
        ironing  once  a  week.  She  is  an  excellent                            around the house. Nolliah is a trustworthy
        cleaner,  well  organised  and  thorough.      GARDENERS                   and  reliable  housekeeper.  Please  call
        She  is  very  reliable,  has  access  to  our                             Luka on 082 354 3413 or call Nolliah on
        home when we are away, and we always   Eddie is looking for additional work on his   078 485 7278.
        come  back  to  find  it  clean  and  tidy.   off day. Eddie is great at painting, varnishing
        Martha  has  a  quiet  personality,  she  is   wood,  cleaning  and  gardening.  He  also   Wiseman Mandivoni has worked for us
        honest,  focused  and  diligent.  She  works   assists  with  minor  maintenance  when   for the past five years and still does on
        through the home methodically and arrives   needed. Please call Eddie on 065 568 1966.  Wednesdays  and  Fridays.  He  does  the
        early,  before  07:30  and  is  never  late.                               garden, pool cleaning and some general
        Martha currently works for four homes in   My gardener Caphus is looking for work on   maintenance painting etc. He is reliable,
        Silver Lakes including ours and needs to   Tuesdays and Fridays. He has been working   honest and trustworthy. He has an access
        fill another day in the estate. She is highly   for me for four years. He is diligent, reliable   card  and  documentation  is  in  place.
        recommended for anyone looking for a   and  trustworthy.  If  you  need  someone,   Call  Wiseman  on  065  928  3982  or
        good cleaner once a week. Call Martha on   please call Caphus on 060 815 2264, or for a   074 053 6702. For a reference call Gideon
        073 476 6980.                        reference call Helen on 082 552 3418.  on 082 884 4044.

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