Page 46 - Intra Muros March 2024
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Home Services, Building           Repairs  and  maintenance  to  swimming   exam preparation, or seeks a challenge at
               and Maintenance               pool   pumps.   Contact   Marlene   on   advanced  levels,  we  offer  a  customisable
                                             083 290 0374.                        approach  to  meet  each  student’s  needs.
        Gerry  is  a  very  competent  tiler  and  has                            Contact us today to arrange a free trial
        worked  with  reputable  contractors  over   Reliable painter available. Contact Seun on   lesson  and  discover  how  we  can  help
        the years, with multiple projects in Silver   072 663 9233.               develop  a  passion  for  Mathematics  and
        Lakes. Gerry comes highly recommended.                                    Science  that  will  support  your  child’s
        Call  Gerry  on  072  781  7914,  or  for  a   Renovations,  upgrades  and  maintenance   academic success! Call Sorita Groenewald
        reference call 082 824 0073.         – Izak du Plessis is a qualified builder with   (centre owner) on 084 877 8880 or email:
                                             more  than  40  years’  experience  in  the
        Painter  –  Trust  is  looking  for  painting   construction industry. For any renovations,
        projects  around  Pretoria  East.  He  comes   upgrades or maintenance projects – big or   HOUSE AND PET SITTING
        highly  recommended.  Call  him  on   small. Please contact Izak on 082 927 0054
        066  564  9690,  or  for  a  reference  call   or email:  I am available for pet sitting. I stay in Silver
        082 560 2629.                                                             Lakes. I have my own dog and I have been
                                             RSP   construction   and   handyman   looking after pets for many years. I charge
        If you are looking for a hardworking and   services  –  Building  and  renovations,   R100  a  day.  I  give  food  and  water  daily.
        reliable  worker,  I  can  highly  recommend   plumbing,  electrical,  tiling,  carpentry,   Contact Helen on 082 552 3418.
        Elias as he has many skills. He works as a   waterproofing,  painting,  swimming  pools
        gardener,  and  he  worked  for  many  years   and  more.  Affordable  prices  and  reliable   Do you need a pet sitter? I will take care
        at  a  construction  company.  He  can  pave   services.  Call  071  011  6201  or  email:   of  your  precious  pets.  Whether  they
        and paint. He has re-sealed and painted all   For   a   need  walking,  feeding,  a  clean  litter  box
        my windows and much more. Call Elias on   reference call Dr P Jansen on 084 843 1130.  or  medication,  I  will  take  care  of  it  for
        063 863 6074.                                                             you.  References  are  available  if  needed.
                                             Swimming pool cleaning and maintenance   Dependable,  affordable  and  available.
        Irrigation  services  –  Repair,  installation,   services  –  Please  contact  Jacob  on   Contact  Ilza  on  067  962  1244  for  further
        servicing  and  maintenance  of  irrigation   083 690 1063. For a reference, please call   information.
        systems for over 15 years in Silver Lakes.   Marietha on 082 457 3770 or Heila on
        Big or small jobs welcome. Contact Jim on   083 632 6639.                 We stay in Silver Lakes, and we would love
        084 308 1240 or 082 258 9437.                                             to take care of your pets when you need us.
                                             Talladega Auto Clinic – Bosch car service.   Day visits, sleepover or full day. References
        Rubble removal, trees and palm pruning   Your  one-stop  vehicle  service,  repair   available.  Please  contact  Monique  on
        –  Justice  also  has  a  bakkie/pick-up  and   and  diagnostic  workshop.  Please  call   083 375 0206.
        can be called to remove garden and other   Shane Wilson on 012 809 4472 or email:
        rubble and do lawn dressing. He also does
        tree and palm pruning (with a chainsaw).                                   If  you  would  like  to  advertise  in  the
        These  two  services  come  at  good  prices.   Wood on Wheels – Braai Wood Delivery:   Silver  Lakes  Intra  Muros  Classifieds
        Call Justice on 076 631 3772.        Wood  on  Wheels  offers  you  a  personal   section,  please  email  Nicole  at
                                             delivery service of quality dry wood. With  by  the  15
        Repairs of gates and garage motors –   summer on the go, you can create a warm   of every month. The Classifieds section
        Installation  of  cameras  and  new  gate   ambience with friends and family. Bosveld   is only available to Silver Lakes residents
        motors.   Efficient,   professional   and   mix,  Namibian  Kameeldoring,  Firewood.   and  there  is  no  charge  for  residents
        affordable  service.  Please  call  Simon  on   Contact Mike on 082 082 0538.  to  advertise  here.  Please  include  your
        082 867 9451.                                                              Silver Lakes stand number and contact
                                                       TUTORING                    details  for  references.  This  Classifieds
        Minor  adjustments  and  alterations  to                                   section is not for the use of businesses.
        clothing.   Shortening   or   lengthening   Master Maths and Science Lessons   If  you  would  like  to  advertise  your
        of  curtains,  etc.  Contact  Marlene  on   -  Looking  for  a  solid  foundation  in   business in the Silver Lakes Intra Muros
        083 290 0374.                        Mathematics  and  Science?  We  offer   magazine,  please  email  Martin  Fourie
                                             quality  tutoring  in  Afrikaans  and  English!   at
        Painting  and  waterproofing  – Frans is   We   focus   on   understanding,   skill   All  Classified  advertisements  will  be
        an  excellent  painter  and  waterproofing   development,  and  confidence-building   removed monthly. Please inform us by
        specialist. Contact Frans on 084 677 3186.   to  help  your  child  thrive  in  these  critical   email before the 15  of every month if
        For a reference contact Irma on      subjects. Whether your child needs a solid   you would like to repeat your previous
        082 444 7368.                        grasp  of  fundamentals,  assistance  with   advert.

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