Page 40 - Intra Muros March 2024
P. 40


        How Modern Colour Trends

        Will Influence Décor and

        Design Decisions in 2024

        By Palesa Ramaisa, Dulux Colour Expert

           n today’s busy and complex world, it’s   Nature-inspired hues are fast becoming   Drawing inspiration from the recently
           more important than ever to carve   a key pillar for interior décor and design   launched Dulux Colour of the Year 2024
        Iout our own special place, somewhere   – and in 2024, we are likely to see   Sweet Embrace™, Dulux Colour Expert
        we feel we belong. Interior décor and   designers, homeowners, and businesses   Palesa Ramaisa shares her top three décor
        design colour trends of 2024 are taking   gravitate towards bringing the outdoors   and design tips to turn your home into a
        a pulsating turn, and the mood of the   inside. Earthy tones, lush greens, fluid   warm, calm, uplifting space.
        moment implores us to celebrate feelings   blues, dreamy lilacs and yellows, and
        of inner peace, love and joy through a rich   eco-friendly aesthetics will redefine the   Wooden pieces with global earthy
        tapestry of exciting aesthetics and colours   very essence of our living spaces, leading   tones
        to infuse a sense of serenity, wisdom,   to vintage finds, artisanal craftsmanship,   Wooden décor pieces embody mid-
        hope and strength in our homes.      and personalised décor bringing more   century and modern pastels, providing
                                             warmth, contentment and tranquillity to   everlasting appeal straight through 2024.
        Dulux’s 2024 ColourFutures™ research   our homes.                         Their timeless charm lies in the perfect
        conducted by a team of global experts
        into social, design and consumer trends
        reflect that in the uncertain world that
        we live in, there is a quest to belong, a
        need for calm places and moments of joy
        in everyday experiences. Identified by
        in-house colour experts and international
        design professionals, these trends will
        influence home décor decisions in 2024
        and beyond.

        Global décor and design colour trends
        show a quest for calmness, warmth, and
        upliftment to promote more mindfulness
        and a sense of relaxation than ever
        before. It is without question that these
        trends perfectly balance the craving we
        have for simplicity, functionality, comfort,
        and style.

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