Page 4 - Intra Muros March 2024
P. 4


                           MESSAGE FROM THE CEO

                                 A Flourishing Community

        Dear Residents,                     soccer  field,  and  a  new  security  camera   flora assessment ensures a healthy habitat,
                                            system  further  contribute  to  a  refreshed   with ongoing projects like tick treatment and
        As  March  unfolds,  it  brings  with  it  a   and secure environment.  veld maintenance.
        burst  of  updates  and  accomplishments
        from  the  heart  of  our  community.  The   Security: Empowering Safety  The  Randwater  Water  Pipeline  project  is
        Homeowners’ Association (HOA) has been   A  seamless  transition  to  a  new  software   progressing,  slated  for  completion  in  July
        diligently at work, overseeing a multitude   system has enhanced security functionality   2024. Efforts to address sewerage spill issues
        of projects aimed at enhancing our living   and  integration.  Upgrades  to  camera   at  Silver  Stream  and  improve  the  Silver
        experience  at  Silver  Lakes  Estate.  Let’s   systems  and  power  redundancies  ensure   Stream Pump Station are in full swing. The
        delve  into  the  various  departments  and   the  reliability  of  our  electric  fence  and   battle  against  hornwort  continues,  with
        their recent endeavours.            cameras. Speed cameras are on the horizon   innovative approaches involving tennis nets
                                            to  address  speeding  concerns  within   and manual labour starting at the clubhouse
        Golf: Driving Excellence            the  estate.  The  Lakes  Security  Forum  is   and  the  other  involving  machine  removal
        Our  golfing  haven  has  been  abuzz  with   actively  engaging  in  community  matters,   which  will  be  tested  at  the  Game  Reserve.
        activity.  Despite  occasional  closures  due   from  removing  illegal  advertising  boards   Both  methods  will  be  tested  to  see  which
        to rain, the course remains a popular spot.   to collaborating with law enforcement for   has better and more cost-effective results for
        The  course  maintenance  team  has  been   joint  operations,  to  keep  our  community   long-term effectiveness.
        hard at work, ensuring the lush greenery is   safe outside our gates. We are also looking
        at its best. A three-week closure for hollow   at technology to assist us with catching   Marketing: Connecting Digitally
        tining,  coupled  with  fertilization  efforts,   the  criminals  who  continue  their  criminal   Our   online   presence   is   flourishing,
        promises  a  top-notch  golfing  experience.   activity  regarding  the  spiking  on  the  N4.   with   Instagram   and   Facebook   (@
        The addition of five new trees adds to the   A  congratulations  to  the  Lakes  Security   silverlakesgolfestate)   steadily   growing.
        scenic beauty. The pro shop continues to   Forum in catching two of the criminals who   Boosted posts and strategic advertising spaces
        thrive, with plans to introduce new brands   were  caught  spiking  vehicles  in  February   on  the  golf  course  and  electronic  boards
        this year, and overall, the golf department   making our streets a little safer.  showcase  the  vibrancy  of  our  community.
        is  steadily  moving  toward  its  break-even                           Keep an eye out for the upcoming inBound
        point.                              Operations: A Tapestry of Progress  Magazine, featuring our estate.
                                            The  Operational  Maintenance  Teams  are
        Clubhouse: A Hub of Renewal         the  unsung  heroes,  tirelessly  addressing   In closing, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to
        The Clubhouse has undergone significant   repairs and maintenance across the estate.   the  dedicated  team,  the  supportive  board,
        maintenance,   with   repairs   and   From  streetlight  repairs  to  water  meters,   committee members, and you, the residents.
        improvements  spanning  various  areas.   pothole fixes to street sign refurbishments,   Your  patience  during  prolonged  projects  is
        From  fixing  pipes  and  toilets  to  painting   their work touches every corner. The road   appreciated, and together, we are building a
        and  replacing  lights  and  doors,  our   rejuvenation project, though causing some   community that thrives.
        Clubhouse is receiving some well-deserved   inconvenience,  promises  to  elevate  the
        TLC. Minor upgrades to the change rooms,   aesthetic appeal of our estate. In the Game   Warm regards,
        tennis  courts,  swimming  pool,  swings,   Reserve, a proactive approach to fauna and   Dean Pretorius

                                           IMPORTANT CONTACT NUMBERS

        HOA OFFICE                 EMERGENCY NUMBERS                  SECURITY
        Office hours: Monday to Friday   Security Control Room (24 hours)  Security Control Room (24 hours) 012 809 0424/5
        08:00 until 16:30          012 809 0424/5                     Bidvest Protea Coin Security from 18:00 to 06:00 weekdays,
        012 809 0142                                                  24 hours Sat, Sun and public holidays 072 615 5862     Boschkop Police      012 802 1087/4
                                   Netcare 911          082 911       GOLF
        Security access office:    Fire Brigade         10111         Pro Shop   012 809 0430
        Hours as above             Power Failure        012 339 9111
        Including first Saturday of every   City of Tshwane Call Centre   012 358 9999  CLUBHOUSE
        month from 08:00 until 11:00                                  Clubhouse   012 809 0281
                                   Water leaks:  Café 41   012 809 1571
                                   Street lights:  Takeaways   012 809 0431 / 012 809 1484
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