Page 6 - Intra Muros March 2024
P. 6



                                      OF EMERGENCY?

             he Silver Lakes Access Control Application   it  can  be  done  by  calling  012  809   The  Security  Department  would  like  to
             has  a  SOS  function  which  is  suggested   0424/5.  Residents  are  urged  not  to   assure all residents that any emergency
        Tas  the  primary  mode  of  contact  for   call  other  numbers  as  first  option,   call  received  will  be  handled  with  the
        emergencies  on  the  estate.  Please  see  the   since they are not always the quickest   utmost priority. Less serious incidents such
        diagram to ensure it is properly configured to   – the receiver needs to make one   as leaking pipes, barking dogs and the like
        allow the SOS function to be activated.  or  more  calls  to  initiate  a  response,   should  be  reported  via  the  “help  desk”
                                                 whereas the control room has the   on the same app or by calling the control
        Once a SOS is received in the security control   least time-consuming methods to alert   room for assistance if needed.
        room, the operator will call the contact person   responders.
        to  verify  the  incident  and  initiate  a  response                      If any problems are experienced with the
        accordingly.  Should  the  call  not  be  answered   It is strongly advised that even small   SOS  function  or  the  application,  please
        the  response  will  react  to  the  registered   children are educated on how to use   contact the access office for assistance.
        location and investigate.                these contact options.
                                                                                   “Do not wait for an emergency before
        This process is usually very quick, and it ensures   Always  remember  that,  in  case  of   ensuring your SOS is properly configured.”
        a short reaction time.                   emergency,  you  are  on  your  own
                                                 until the first help arrives. The shorter   Danie Basson
        Should  one  feel  the  need  to  report  an   the  response  time,  the  quicker  the   Security Manager
        emergency via telephone to the control room,   assistance and the better the outcome.

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