Page 4 - Intra Muros May 2024
P. 4


          ESTATE NEWS                                          GARDENING
          Message from the CEO                          4      Garden of the month                           29
          Security in and around Silver Lakes           8      The appeal of artificial plants               31
          Upgrading our estate’s roads                 10      Invasive alien plants                         32
          Getting to know                              12
          Introduction to our new Golf Committee       14      LIFESTYLE
          Golf news                                    16      Restaurant competition                        35
          Kids Easter fun event                        19      Book reviews                                  47
          Mature golfers results for April             22
          Upcoming estate events                       24      TODAY’S CHILD
          Our estate - a sense of belonging            26      Me, myself and I - understanding the preschool stage   36
          Easy steps to recycling in the estate        28
                                                               Year-round adventure in the Seychelles        38

                                                               CLASSIFIEDS                                   49

        SILVER LAKES          CONTRIBUTORS                     EIA PUBLISHING OFFICE Tel: 011 327 4062 -
        27 Muirfield Boulevard,   Silver Lakes HOA  Nienke Moolman  PUBLISHER Nico Maritz -
        Silver Lakes,         Silver Lakes Directors  Daleen du Plessis  GRAPHIC DESIGNER Adele Gouws -
        0081                  Dean Pretorius  Corlia Mathews   SALES MANAGER Martin Fourie - 072 835 8405 -
        PO Box 11106,         Danie Basson    Elize Malan      ADVERTISING SALES Gerdie Murphy - 082 556 9863 -
        Silver Lakes 0054     Walters Noordman  Nicoleen Davies  EDITOR Angela Fourie - Angela Fourie -
        Tel: +27 12 809 0142  Andrew Curlewis                  PRODUCTION CO-ORDINATOR Chris Grant -
                                       Note from the Editor

            ilver  Lakes  is  about  quality  of   Meet the new golf committee; we wish them   May  is  a  significant  month  for  our  country,
            life, as every issue of Intra Muros   all the best in their respective roles. They’re   given  the  upcoming  elections.  Hopefully,
       Sshows. A long-term resident shares   bound  to  hit  the  ground  running,  given  our   everyone at Silver Lakes has registered to
        her positive experience of living here in   busy golfing calendar.      vote  and  will  go  to  the  polls  on  the  29th.
        an article titled A sense of belonging. I’m                             Voting is an important way of making one’s
        sure you feel the same way.       In  April,  the  Easter  bunny  returned  to  Silver   voice heard; I’d go as far as saying it’s a form
                                          Lakes, much to the delight of the little ones,   of activism, so go out there and make your
        As  we  all  know,  the  estate  constantly   who  were  provided  with  lots  of  stimulating   mark.
        strives  to  improve  facilities  both  within   activities and proved to be keen participants.
        the grounds and in our surrounding                                      There’s  lots  more  to  enjoy  in  this  month’s
        areas.  Read  about  the  Lakes  Security   The changing, falling leaves tell us that autumn   issue,  including  our  competition,  the  latest
        Forum initiative, which aims to maintain   is  well  and  truly  here.  If  you  want  to  keep   books on shelf and upcoming events to sign
        public  spaces  so  the  community  can   your garden tidy, how about placing artificial   up for.
        feel  that  much  safer.  And  within  the   plants  in  strategic  outdoor  areas?  We  show
        estate  grounds,  find  out  more  about   you where and how. If the call of summer is   Until next time, take care.
        an  extensive  project  that’s  currently   too strong, turn to our travel feature on the
        underway to improve 30km of our roads.  Seychelles, a warm, year-round holiday spot.  Nicole Hermanson

        Intra Muros is a monthly magazine of the Silver Lakes Homeowners’ Association (NPC). It is intended for the residents of Silver Lakes. It is published on behalf of the SL HOA by Estates in Africa (Pty) Ltd. Articles printed
        in the Intra Muros, do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the SL HOA or the Estate, the publisher, nor of the companies themselves. Neither the SL HOA, nor the publishers can be held responsible for the quality of
        the goods and services advertised in the Intra Muros. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without prior written permission of the publisher.
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