Page 6 - Intra Muros May 2024
P. 6


                           MESSAGE FROM THE CEO

        Dear residents                       maintenance.  Efforts  are  underway  to   A  distinction  of  the  difference  between
                                             enhance the children’s play area and soccer   road  rejuvenation  and  road  resurfacing
        As  we  transition  into  the  winter  season   field, ensuring that these areas remain safe   must  be  drawn.  Rejuvenating  roads  is  a
        and  embark  on  a  new  financial  year,  I   and enjoyable for all residents.   process  whereby  we  seal  the  road  and
        extend my warmest regards to each and                                     crack to prevent the further decay of the
        every one of you. It is with great pleasure   Additionally, repairs have been completed   infrastructure  below.  This,  in  turn,  will
        that I provide you with a brief update on   on water leaks and damage in the squash   minimise  the  resurfacing  to  be  done  in
        the progress happening in the estate and   area, while new outdoor furniture has been   certain areas. It will also prevent potholes
        the commendable efforts of our dedicated   procured for your comfort. Minor upgrades   from  occurring  in  the  future.  Therefore,
        Homeowners  Association  (HOA)  team   to our bathrooms are also on the agenda,   although the road will look better, it will
        across the various departments.      further enhancing the overall experience at   not be a brand-new road. Our operations
                                             our clubhouse.                       team is still busy in the game reserve with
        Golf                                                                      this project.
        Our pristine golf course continues to thrive   Security
        under the meticulous care and attention of   The safety  and  security  of  our  residents   Resurfacing  roads  is  when  the  top  layer
        our maintenance crew. The recent hollow   remain  paramount,  and  our  proactive   of the road – depending on the structure
        tinning  process  has  yielded  exceptional   approach  to  security  measures  continues   below – gets replaced. To save costs, this
        results, ensuring optimal playing conditions   unabated.  In  collaboration  with  Lakes   is done in selected and problematic areas
        for all golf enthusiasts. Furthermore, we’re   Security Forum, we are actively addressing   that have been marked by a civil engineer.
        delighted  to  announce the  arrival  of new   community  safety  concerns,  particularly
        golf balls at our esteemed driving range.   regarding morning commutes and incidents   We have gone out to tender for this first
                                             along the N4.                        phase  of  the  road  repair,  which  will  be
        I  extend  heartfelt  congratulations  to  all                            done  by  contractors.  The  first  phase  –
        league  teams  and  individual  players  who   To  bolster  our  efforts,  we  are  excited   to  be  conducted  over  roughly  the  next
        have  proudly  represented  Silver  Lakes,   to  announce  the  launch  of  a  pilot   12  months  –  will  include  Muirfield,
        achieving  noteworthy  success.  A  special   programme utilising drone technology for   Pebble  Beach  and  Glen  Eagles.  This  will
        acknowledgement is due to Ruben Jansen   proactive patrols. This innovative initiative   be  a  combination  of  resurfacing  and
        van  Rensburg,  the  victor  of  a  thrilling   underscores our unwavering commitment   rejuvenating the area.
        playoff in our recent Club Champions event.   to safeguarding our community and  its
                                             members.                             In closing, I extend my sincerest gratitude
        I commend our esteemed golf committee                                     to each member of our hardworking HOA
        members,  both  past  and  present,  for   Operations                     team for their unwavering dedication and
        their unwavering commitment and their   Our  operational  team  remains  tirelessly   tireless efforts in serving our community.
        invaluable  contributions  to  our  beloved   engaged in various maintenance tasks   Your commitment is the cornerstone of
        community.                           and  special  projects  throughout  the   our collective success, and I am honoured
                                             estate.  Noteworthy  endeavours  include   to work alongside such a dedicated group
        Clubhouse                            the completion of the Silver Stream pump   of individuals.
        Amidst  the  blossoming  beauty  of  our   station,  the  hornwort  project,  ongoing
        surroundings, our dedicated team persists   maintenance  of  municipal  infrastructure   Warm regards,
        in  upholding  the  highest  standards  of   and the road rejuvenation project.   Dean Pretorius

                                           IMPORTANT CONTACT NUMBERS

        HOA OFFICE                 EMERGENCY NUMBERS                  SECURITY
        Office hours: Monday to Friday   Security Control Room (24 hours)  Security Control Room (24 hours) 012 809 0424/5
        08:00 until 16:30          012 809 0424/5                     Bidvest Protea Coin Security from 18:00 to 06:00 weekdays,
        012 809 0142                                                  24 hours Sat, Sun and public holidays 072 615 5862     Boschkop Police      012 802 1087/4
                                   Netcare 911          082 911       GOLF
        Security access office:    Fire Brigade         107           Pro Shop   012 809 0430
        Hours as above             Power Failure        012 339 9111
        Including first Saturday of every   City of Tshwane Call Centre   012 358 9999  CLUBHOUSE
        month from 08:00 until 11:00                                  Clubhouse   012 809 0281
                                   Water leaks:  Café 41   012 809 1571
                                   Street lights:  Takeaways   012 809 0431 / 012 809 1484
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