Page 10 - Intra Muros May 2024
P. 10


                          SECURITY IN AND AROUND

                                          SILVER LAKES

            esidents  of the  Silver Lakes Golf
            & Wildlife Estate are fortunate    PROPOSED GREATER LAKES CUP LOCATION
       Rto reside in a safe and secure
        environment.  Kids  can  play  outside,
        property can be left unattended, you can
        take long walks without constantly looking
        over your shoulder and feeling afraid that
        you might be robbed at any time… This is
        the reality of living in an estate.

        When  leaving  the  estate,  however,
        another  set  of  rules  apply.  Crimes  such
        as  armed  robberies,  pickpocketing  (car
        keys stolen from shoppers to steal motor
        vehicles),  common  robberies  and  petty
        theft are prevalent outside the boundaries
        of our estate.

        And there is another ugly truth taking place
        outside  our  boundaries.  Our  domestic
        workers, gardeners and other employees
        likely walk to work. They are exposed to   This  initiative  was  started  several  years   sustainable  funding  from  all  role  players  in
        ruthless criminals on a regular basis.   ago and has grown into a very successful   the vicinity.
        On  Wednesday,  10  April  2024,  members                               The  Greater  Lakes  Community  Upliftment
        of  the  Lakes  Security  Forum  (including   Currently, the initiative relies on assistance   Precinct (CUP) initiative, recently approved by
        members from Silver Lakes) responded to   from  volunteers,  security  companies,   the City Council, would be the perfect vehicle
        assist in searching for suspects involved in   estates,  businesses  and  individuals.  Silver   to drive this project. Plans are underway to
        the  armed  robbery  of  a  person’s  bicycle   Lakes  HOA  contributes  and  supports  this   generate long-term sustainable funding, but
        in  the  Hazeldean  area.  The  victim  was   initiative, which needs to keep growing.  this will require community support.
        stabbed with a knife.
                                             Priorities for the short to medium   Economies of scale are what’s needed to
        As  usual,  the  response  for  assistance   term are as follows:       ensure much more security, maintenance and
        was amazing. Even a Bidvest Protea Coin   •  Radio communication network  beautification of our public spaces.
        (also our estate security service provider)   •  Community group
        helicopter  participated  in  the  search.   •  Expanding the Automatic Number Plate   The  Lakes  Security  Forum  has  assisted  in
        Hours  were  spent  combing  the  area   Recognition camera network     effecting  arrests  or  initiated  more  than  400
        without  success.  A  gruesome  discovery   •  Deployment of a drone    arrests  just  this  year.  Imagine  a  Lakes  area
        was  made  when  the  body  of  a  security                             without such an initiative.
        officer,  still  dressed  in  his  uniform,  was   A  drone  project  supported  by  the  Silver
        found.  It  is  believed  that  he  was  also   Lakes HOA will commence before the end   Watch  this  space  for  more  information  to
        robbed  of  his  bicycle  earlier  during  the   of  April.  A  thermal  equipped  drone  will   follow, or visit:
        day  and  stabbed  to  death.  Numerous   be  operational  at  random  times  and  will   LNeMiLPBoW7LfsxT5eOxBp
        other incidents of workers robbed of their   concentrate  on  crime  hotspots,  identified
        valuables, either on their way to or from   preventive  patrol  routes  and  joint  crime   *As  I  was  busy  writing  this  article,  another
        work, occur in the area.             prevention operations. It will also be used   bicycle robbery had just occurred. Suspects were
                                             for emergency response.            confronted by one of the members, resulting in a
        Estates enjoy relative safety, thanks to all                            pursuit taking place, again in the same area. Air
        the  measures  that  are  in  place  to  curb   The initial three to four months will serve   support was again made available to assist us.
        crime. That leaves the surrounding public   as a Proof of Concept to assist in motivating
        spaces  at  risk.  This  is  where  the  Lakes   for long-term support for funding. To make   Danie Basson
        Security Forum steps in.             the  project  permanent,  we  will  need   Security Manager

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