Page 14 - Intra Muros May 2024
P. 14
Get to know our new finance
manager, Natasha van Zyl
financial management field. I worked for Did you have any mentors or people
eight years at the Agricultural Business who influenced you?
Chamber (Agbiz), an independent entity Tell us about them.
whose purpose is to promote, represent I believe every person you meet has
and support enterprises and organisations an effect on who you are or become
that do business with or are involved in some or other way. But one of my
in the agricultural value chains. Agbiz earlier mentors taught me this important
helps them to operate competitively and principle: Know what you don’t know
sustainably in both a local and global and know how to find out more about
Please give us a brief overview of context. I also worked in the branding and it because we cannot be experts in
what your work entails. gifts industry for a while. everything.
I am responsible for managing
the financial affairs of the HOA Describe yourself in three words. What are your future plans?
and Country Club operations. I am Bubbly, diligent and hardworking. I try not to plan too far ahead as our plans
analytical and skilled in managing do not always go the way we want them
finances accurately and expeditiously. Are you married? Do you have to, so I try to live each day to the fullest
My job involves financial analysis, children? and enjoy every second of it.
budgets, cash flow forecasts, Yes, I am married to my lovely husband
management of financial statements, and we have a two-and-a-half-year-old If you could change one thing in the
risk analysis and management of daughter. world to make it better, what would
reports to realise efficiency and it be?
productivity. What are your hobbies or interests? I would probably not change anything
I love spending time with my family and because, unfortunately, sometimes we
Please give a short summary getting to see the world through my need the bad to appreciate the good
of your qualification/s and past daughter’s eyes. We enjoy the outdoors things in life.
work experience. and playing sports.
I did my undergraduate studies at What is your motto in life?
University of Pretoria, majoring in What do you enjoy most about your When you have a child, you realise that
financial management, and I did job at Silver Lakes? nothing ever goes according to plan, so I
my honours studies in financial The fact that I can contribute to building a think the one thing I live by is that change
management at the University of safe, secure and joyful environment for its is the only constant and you need to try
Johannesburg. I started doing my homeowners. each day to do the best you can and to
Chartered Institute of Management make the best of every situation.
Accountants (CIMA) qualification Where did you grow up?
and have now completed level 2 and I was born in Pretoria and grew up Contact details
obtained my CIMA Adv Dip MA. I here, although I did my honours in 012 809 0142
have 10 years’ work experience in the Johannesburg for a year.