Page 15 - Intra Muros May 2024
P. 15
Get to know our new compliance
officer, Guy Hughes
Are you married? Do you have Mike and Nick – Springbok aerobatic pilots.
children? Mike and Jeanette pioneered by
I am engaged. I have two children, Megan manufacturing the 1st Hot Air Balloon in
and Luke, from my first marriage. RSA and Jeanette van Ginkel was the 1st
Hot Air Balloon pilot in South Africa.
What are your hobbies or interests?
Aviation, motorsport and rugby. What are your future plans?
Please give us a brief overview of To be promoted at Silver Lakes in due
what your work entails. What do you enjoy most about your course.
I ensure that residents comply with the job at Silver Lakes?
estate, architectural and building rules. I enjoy the challenge to improve the estate If you could change one thing in the
for the residents get enjoy it and I get to be world to make it better, what would
Please give a short summary of proud to say I stay in Silver Lakes. it be?
your qualification/s and past work For everyone on Earth to be content and
experience. Where did you grow up? love life.
T1 Architecture, NTC 3 Mathematics, CEA. In Sandton, Johannesburg
What is your motto in life?
Ampath – building coordinator, Northpoint Did you have any mentors or people Keep it simple, keep it tidy.
Architects. who influenced you?
Tell us about them. Contact details
Describe yourself in three words. Mike and Jeanette van Ginkel and Nick 012 809 0142
Friendly, kind and hardworking. Turvey – owners of Avex Air.
Get to know our new clubhouse
administrator, Lucretcia Buys
Please give a short summary of Did you have any mentors or people
your qualification/s and past work who influenced you?
experience. Tell us about them.
HR Diploma My grandmother. She thought me
Booking Diploma to always believe in myself and my
Office Management Diploma capabilities and to go after my goals/
Please give us a brief overview of Describe yourself in three words.
what your work entails. Determined, a go-getter, hardworking. What are your future plans?
- Front house reception To travel the world.
- Switchboard Are you married? Do you have
- Handling golf/squash and tennis children? If you could change one thing in the
membership applications and enquiries Divorced with two children. world to make it better, what would
- Registering golf members on Golfscape it be?
and ordering of handicap cards What are your hobbies or interests? I’d work to eliminate poverty.
- Issuing of golf cart stickers I enjoy doing crossword puzzles.
- Overseeing all enquiries for tennis and What is your motto in life?
squash bookings What do you enjoy most about your The sky is the limit.
- Monitoring and reporting faults job at Silver Lakes?
- Gate access applications and extensions Interacting with different types of Contact details
- Ordering of all stationery, water and golf personalities on a daily basis. 072 072 7861
- Assisting golf and club manager with Where did you grow up? Thank you for the introductions, Guy,
events, taking minutes after hours. Eersterust, Pretoria. Lucretcia and Natasha!