Page 12 - Intra Muros May 2024
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             he Silver Lakes Homeowners    Silver Lakes Rules, Section 4.15 states:
             Association  (SLHOA)  has  recently
        Tstarted the process of redoing and   “Sewage must be discharged into the
        rejuvenating about 30km of roads within   sewerage  reticulation  system  and  not  into
        the estate. In certain areas this requires   the stormwater reticulation system, streams
        a  basic  rejuvenation  (crack  repair  and   or dams in the Estate and must comply with
        surface  sealing),  while  other  areas   local municipal authority regulations. Water
        require  resurfacing  and  even  complete   from  an  irrigation  system,  swimming  pool,
        rebuilds.                          water feature, jacuzzi, fish pond, basement
                                           or sump must either be discharged
        The SLHOA  maintenance teams  are   evenly  onto  the  natural  ground  inside  the   Therefore,  we  would  like  to  remind  our
        currently  focusing  on  the  crack-filling   boundaries of the Unit or, if capable, into a   residents to please ensure that they remain
        and  road-sealing  phases.  The  larger   Unit’s greywater system and not onto or via   compliant  with  the  previously  mentioned
        construction project work, which entails   the road surfaces.”            SLHOA Rules and municipal bylaws.
        removing the road surface and relaying it
        as well as rebuilding the road foundation,   Furthermore, an extract from the Provincial   Should a resident admit that they are not
        has gone out to tender.            Gazette Extraordinary, 23 July 2014, Section   compliant  or  be  unsure  of  the  rules  or
                                           29 states:                             bylaws,  we  request  that  the  necessary
        A major problem that has been identified                                  steps  be  taken  to  become  compliant  or
        in the deterioration of our roads is the   “No  water  from  a  swimming  pool  may,   for the resident to make contact with the
        excessive  water  run-off,  which  is  not   without  the  prior  written  permission  of   SLHOA Compliance Officer so that guidance
        natural  rainwater.  It  originates  from   the  Municipality,  be  discharged  directly  or   can be provided.
        the  overwatering  of  lawns,  washing  of   indirectly  over  or  into  any  road,  gutter  or
        vehicles and driveways as well as the   stormwater drain of which ownership is   Please call 012 809 0142 or email us on
        discharge of water from properties into   vested  in  the  Municipality.  The  backwash
        the  roadways,  which  is  not  compliant   water  from  a  swimming  pool  may  be
        with SLHOA rules or municipal bylaws, as   discharged into the drainage system on the   Walters Noordman
        the following extract indicates.   premises on which the pool is situated.”  Operations Manager

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