Page 10 - Intra Muros January Issue 2025
P. 10


                       2024 SILVER LAKES ANNUAL

                                  RESIDENTS SURVEY

                 e extend our heartfelt thanks to   and enhance the services we provide to our   participants. If you are among the winners,
                 all  residents  who  participated   community.                   we will contact you directly.
       Win the 2024 survey, open from
        25 November to 9 December. Your valuable   A special thank you goes to our generous   Thank you once again for your contribution
        feedback  is  instrumental  in  helping  the   sponsors,  whose  support  has  allowed   to making Silver Lakes an exceptional place
        Silver  Lakes  HOA  plan  for  the  year  ahead   us  to  offer  fantastic  prizes  to  a  few  lucky   to live!

                                      Survey Prizes

                           Geyser Gecko:
                           Geyser Gecko to the value of R6 000* The Gecko is a micro-inverter that converts your existing geyser into a solar
                           geyser with the use of standard solar panels and no extra plumbing required.

                           Pam Golding - Inge de Klerk:
                           Moët Champaigne and 8 beautiful Champaigne glasses.

                           Ribs & Burgers Linton’s Corner:
                           Two Ribs & Burgers restaurant vouchers to the value of R500 each.

                           Inheems - Custom made textile products:
                           Two beautiful runners to the value of R520 each.

                           Ikonic - Martin Hayward:
                           6 bottles of wine.

                           Sorbet Linton’s corner:
                           R1 000 Sorbet voucher.

                           Dr Steven Pretorius:
                           30-minute doctors’ consultation to the value of R1 000.

                           Harmony Homes - Annemarie Scholtz:
                           Snack Hamper (wine, biltong & nuts) to the value of R500.

                           Morgan Beef (Pty) Ltd:
                           Meat box hamper to the value of R3 000.

                           Cornel Bouwer Inc. Attorneys:
                           5 Nougat hampers to the value of R200 each.

                           Silver Lakes Golf & Wildlife Estate:
                           4 Ball including golf carts to the value of R3 700.
                           Silver Lakes Pro Shop: Two Silver Lakes Pro Shop vouchers to the value of R500 each.

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