Page 28 - Intra Muros January Issue 2025
P. 28



              Congratulations to our January Garden winner: Mrs Slabbert of 33 Hobdays Crescent.

        A Minimalist Garden Masterpiece in Silver Lakes Golf Estate

              estled in the heart of Silver Lakes   plant  palette  within.  Among  the  stars   striking  specimens  frame  the  home  with
              Golf Estate lies a garden that is a   of  this  landscape  are  three  stunning   sophistication,  serving  as  a  unifying
       Nmasterclass in minimalism  with     varieties of salvia, whose delicate blooms   element  that  ties  the  garden’s  design
        a  captivating  twist.  This  thoughtfully   inject  vibrant  bursts  of  colour.  These  are   together.  They  offer  a  warm  and  inviting
        curated space achieves a perfect balance   beautifully complemented by the ethereal   welcome to guests and homeowners alike.
        between  simplicity  and  excitement,   grace of Gaura and the timeless allure of
        offering a visual experience that enchants   Agapanthus, creating a seamless blend of   This  garden  is  a  testament  to  the
        every passerby.                     textures and hues that delights the senses.  transformative power of thoughtful design
                                                                                  and  meticulous  care.  Whether  you’re
        The  garden’s  charm  begins  with  its   As  you  approach  the  entrance,  the  focal   seeking  inspiration  for  your  own  outdoor
        impeccably   pruned   hedges,   which   point  reveals  itself:  two  majestic  Angel’s   haven  or  simply  wish  to  admire  a  living
        provide  a  sense  of  structure  and  order   Trumpet  plants  elegantly  positioned   work  of  art,  this  garden  is  an  unmissable
        while  drawing  the  eye  to  the  diverse   on  either  side  of  the  doorway.  These   gem in Silver Lakes Golf Estate.

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