Page 30 - Intra Muros January Issue 2025
P. 30
nlike animals, plants do not have a
fixed age or size at which they are
Uconsidered “mature” or “old.” Plants
exhibit indeterminate growth, meaning
they can grow indefinitely if conditions are
While all plants eventually die, in nature,
the strongest survive until the end of their
life cycle if growing conditions remain
favourable. In gardens, however, plants are
nurtured with irrigation, fertilisation, and
pruning to optimise their appearance and
Growth and maintenance of garden
• First 5 Years: After landscaping a
new garden, plants grow and fill their
allocated space.
• 10+ Years: Plants often become
overgrown and overcrowded,
necessitating pruning, thinning, or Signs it’s time to replace garden 5. Style:
replacement. plants - Outdated plants can make a garden
Regular evaluation is key to maintaining look tired. Replacing them with
Types of garden plants a vibrant garden. Watch for the following modern varieties, new colours, or
When designing a garden, a mix of indicators that plants have completed their textures can refresh the overall
herbaceous and woody plants is typically life cycle or require changes: aesthetic.
1. Age: Conclusion
Herbaceous plants: - Some plants, like Rosmarinus A thriving garden requires regular care and
• Annuals: Complete their life cycle within (rosemary), decline after 10 years the willingness to make changes. Plants
a single growing season. and do not recover well from heavy that have aged, outgrown their space, or
• Biennials: Live for two years, growing pruning. Replace them when they no longer enhance the garden should be
in the first year and reproducing in the reach this age. replaced. By evaluating plants based on
second. - Others, like Dovyalis, can thrive and age, appearance, growth, damage, and
• Perennials: May die back in winter but rejuvenate even after 25 years with style, you can maintain a healthy, visually
regrow from new shoots at soil level appropriate pruning. appealing garden that continues to enrich
each season. 2. Appearance: your property for years to come.
- Look for signs of decline, such as
Woody plants: browner branches than green foliage Sources:
• Trees: Trees are valuable garden assets. or reduced vibrancy. plants-live.
With proper maintenance, most trees - Overgrown shrubs can alter the -
can last for decades or even centuries. environment, limiting light, water, -
However, global warming poses new and nutrients for neighbouring plants. shrug-off-shrubs-understanding-the-lifespan-of-
challenges that may shorten their These changes may stress nearby -
lifespans. Some ornamental trees live plants, leading to poor flowering or
only 20 years, while others outlive gradual death.
generations. 3. Growth: Tel: 012 804 1807 |Fax: 012 804 0278
- Potted bonsai trees: With meticulous - Plants that have stopped producing Email:
care, bonsai trees can live for hundreds foliage or become excessively crowded
of years. Some in Japan are over 800 should be pruned selectively or
years old. removed to allow others to thrive.
• Shrubs: The lifespan of shrubs begins 4. Damage:
with proper planting. Poor location or - Plants with significant root or crown
inadequate soil preparation can shorten damage are often better replaced than
their lives. rehabilitated.