Page 43 - Intra Muros January Issue 2025
P. 43

Curtain trends for 2025
        Curtain trends are poised to embrace both
        innovation and nostalgia. Expect to see a
        resurgence of vintage-inspired patterns,
        combined with modern, eco-friendly
        materials. Neutral tones will dominate, with
        earthly colours and pastel shades creating
        a serene atmosphere. Smart curtains,
        integrating technology for convenience
        and energy efficiency, will become more
        prevalent. Bespoke, handcrafted designs
        will also cater to the growing desire for
 Who knew window coverings   personalised home décor.

        Should curtains be lighter or
 would be so exciting?  darker than the wall?  between the walls and curtains forms a   any room, whether it’s the confirmed
                                                                                  space of an apartment or a bigger room
                                             striking visual effect. Darker curtains can
        One common consideration when choosing
        curtains is whether they should be lighter   also help anchor a room, making it more   in a home.
        or darker than the walls. The answer largely   comfortable. When paired with lighter
        depends on the overall look one is trying to   walls, dark curtains often create a bold   Beyond their aesthetic appeal, wood
        achieve and the specific characteristics of   contrast that draws the eye and adds   blinds and shutters are gaining
        the space.                           depth to the room.                   recognition for their sustainability.
                                                                                  Choose products from responsibly
        Lighter curtains make a room feel more   Choosing lighter or darker curtains should   sourced wood, contributing to a healthier
        open and airy. They are particularly effective   be guided by the mood one wants to   environment and supporting sustainable
        in smaller spaces where one wants to   create. Lighter curtains are ideal for spaces   forestry practices. The trend of wood
        maximise natural light. Lighter curtains also   where one wants to promote a sense   blinds underscores a growing desire
        tend to blend more seamlessly with their   of lightness and calmness, while darker   for home décor choices that are both
        surroundings, making them an ideal choice   curtains are better suited to rooms where   beautiful and environmentally conscious.
        if the walls are painted in neutral colours.   one wants to introduce a sense of drama
        Choosing curtains that are a few shades   and elegance.                   Window coverings are a practical
        lighter than the walls, offers a harmonious                               necessity, but recent innovations in
        and balanced look that doesn’t overpower   Wood blinds and shutters       textiles, automation and design allow
        the room.                            Wood blinds and shutters are at the   for greater creativity and freedom when
                                             forefront of window covering trends. They   choosing the distinct look one desires. At
        On the other hand, darker curtains can add   are celebrated for their ability to infuse   the rate that these innovations are being
        drama and sophistication to a space. They   interiors with warmth and a sense of   made, the future of window treatments
        work especially well in larger rooms with   natural beauty. The organic texture and   will be brighter, bolder and smarter than
        plenty of natural light because the contrast   rich, varied tones of wood can transform   ever before.

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