Page 46 - Intra Muros January Issue 2025
P. 46

Home Services, Building          Painting  and  waterproofing  –  Frans  is   Experienced  and  sought-after  house  and
               and Maintenance              an  excellent  painter  and  waterproofing   pet sitter to look after your fur babies and
                                            specialist.  Contact  Frans  on  084  677  3186.   your home. You’ll have peace of mind when
        FTTV  Services  –  Installation,  design,   For   a   reference   contact   Irma   on   you’re  away,  knowing  I’m  there  providing
        upgrade and repair of home automation,   082 444 7368.                    increased  security  as  well  as  care  and
        home  theatre  systems,  internet,  Wi-Fi,                                companionship  for  your  pets.  References
        audio  and  video,  satellite  TV  (DStv  or   Repair  of  gates  and  garage  motors  –   available. Call Sean on 082 893 9883.
        OVHD),  multi-room  audio,  and  CCTV   Installation of cameras and new gate motors.
        systems. Call 083 654 0634.         Efficient, professional and affordable service.   My name is Nina, and I live in Silver Lakes.
                                            Please call Simon on 082 867 9451.    I  would  love  to  babysit;  pet  or  house  sit
        Gerry  –  A  very  competent  tiler  and  has                             for you between November and February.
        worked  with  reputable  contractors  over   Rubble removal, trees and palm pruning –   Saving money for my teaching degree. Call
        the years, with multiple projects in Silver   Justice also has a bakkie/pick-up and can be   me on 067 425 7444.
        Lakes. Gerry comes highly recommended.   called  to  remove  garden  and  other  rubble
        Call  Gerry  on  072  781  7914,  or  for  a   and do lawn dressing. He also does tree and   We stay in Silver Lakes, and we would love
        reference call 082 824 0073.        palm pruning (with a chainsaw). These two   to take care of your pets when you need us.
                                            services come at good prices. Call Justice on   Day visits, sleepover or full day. References
        Irrigation  services  –  Repair,  installation,   076 631 3772.           available.  Please  contact  Monique  on
        servicing  and  maintenance  of  irrigation                               083 375 0206.
        systems  for  over  15  years  in  Silver   Repairs  and  monthly  maintenance  of
        Lakes.  Big  or  small  jobs  are  welcome.   swimming  pools  and  pumps.  Contact   TUTORING  TUTORING
        Contact  Jim  on  084  308  1240  or   Marlene on 083 290 0374.
        082 258 9437.                                                             Fully certified tutor living inside your estate!
                                            Reliable  painter  and  builder  available.   I  offer  after-school  tutoring  for  primary
        If you are looking for a hardworking and   Contact Seun on 072 663 9233.  school  learners  in  all  subjects  required.
        reliable worker, I can highly recommend                                   Please  contact  Rita  for  more  information
        Elias as he has many skills. He works as a   RSP construction and handyman services –   on 073 472 3125.
        gardener, and he worked for many years   Building and renovations, plumbing, electrical,
        at a construction company. He can pave   tiling,  carpentry,  waterproofing,  painting,   Maths  classes  in  English  and  Afrikaans
        and paint. He has re-sealed and painted   swimming pools and more. Affordable prices   for  Grade  1-3  learners  facilitated  by  a
        all my windows and much more. Call Elias   and  reliable  services.  Call  071  011  6201   Foundation  Phase  teacher  inside  Silver
        on 063 863 6074.                    or  email:  Lakes Golf Estate. Please contact or send a
                                            For  a  reference  call  Dr  P  Jansen  on   message to Lomé for more information on
        Jameson  Projects  –  We  move  furniture,   084 843 1130.                082 412 2050.
        do general transportation, tree felling and
        terracing.  Please  call  084  896  0012  for   Seamstress   –   Adjustments,   mending,   Ek sook na a ouer tanie in SL estate wat will
        quotations.                         shortening  or  lengthening,  school  graag bitjkie Afrikaans met my practisier. Ek
                                            clothes  and  blazers.  Contact  Marlene  on   will my Afrikaans beter maak. Asb contac
        Recently  retired  bookkeeper  looking  for   083 290 0374.               mey.  Baie  dankie.  Skakel  Marianne  op
        a  part-time/half-day  bookkeeping  job.                                  079 470 5451.
        Please  email   Swimming pool cleaning and maintenance
        Salary is negotiable and I am immediately   services  –  Please  contact  Jacob  on
        available.                          083  690  1063.  For  a  reference,  please  call   If you would like to advertise in the
                                            Marietha  on  082  457  3770  or  Heila  on   Silver Lakes Intra Muros Classifieds
        Laundry  service  –  available  at  the   083 632 6639.                    section, please email Nicole at
        Silver  Lakes  Clubhouse  (across  the
        convenience store).                 Talladega  Auto  Clinic  –  Bosch  car  service. by the
        Mon-Sat: 9am – 4pm. Closed on holidays.  Your  one-stop  vehicle  service,  repair   15  of every month. The Classifieds
        Services: dry cleaning, tailoring, laundry,   and  diagnostic  workshop.  Please  call   section is only available to Silver
        curtain  and  carpet  cleaning,  shoe  and   Shane  Wilson  on  012  809  4472  or  email:   Lakes residents and there is no
        bag repairs.                              charge for residents to advertise
        Contact us on 060 758 2312.                                                here. Please include your Silver Lakes
                                               HOUSE AND PET SITTING
                                            HOUSE AND PET SITTING                  stand number and contact details for
        Painter  –  Trust  is  looking  for  painting
        projects around Pretoria East. He comes   I am available for pet sitting. I stay in Silver   references. This Classifieds section is
        highly  recommended.  Call  him  on   Lakes. I have my own dog, and I have been   not for the use of businesses. If you
        66  564  9690,  or  for  a  reference  call   looking  after  pets  for  many  years.  I  charge   would like to advertise your business
        082 560 2629.                       R100  a  day.  I  give  food  and  water  daily.   in the Silver Lakes Intra Muros
                                            Contact Helen on 082 552 3418.         magazine, please email Martin Fourie
        Painter  –  Courage,  your  go-to  painter                                 at
        for exceptional results. With attention to   Do you need a pet sitter? I will take care of your
        detail  and  a  commitment  to  excellence,   precious pets. Whether they need walking,   All Classified advertisements will
        Courage  delivers  top-notch  painting   feeding,  a  clean  litter  box  or  medication,  I   be removed monthly. Please inform
        services  every  time.  Reliable,  skilled   will  take  care  of  it  for  you.  References  are   us by email before the 15  of every
        and  dedicated  to  customer  satisfaction.   available if needed. Dependable, affordable   month if you would like to repeat
        Contact  him  on  061  022  1706,  or  for   and available. Contact Ilza on 067 962 1244   your previous advert.
        reference call 078 423 8818.        for further information.

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