Page 12 - Intra Muros Issue 2 February 2025
P. 12
hanging weather patterns are Water collection points: The importance of water security
increasingly affecting the availability • La Quinta Street, next to the entrance Water security is paramount as it gives us
Cand distribution of water resources gate access to sufficient water for our daily needs
globally, posing significant challenges to • During water shortages, the and assures us of adequate water supplies
human populations and ecosystems. Clubhouse building will also serve as for agriculture, sanitation, energy production
a water collection point for residents and the health of our ecosystems.
Recently, Silver Lakes Golf & Wildlife Estate
experienced water supply disruptions due Risks and effects of changing Addressing water security in the face of
to shortages from the City of Tshwane and weather patterns on water changing weather patterns requires a
broader challenges faced by Gauteng province security: multifaceted approach, including:
resulting from Rand Water’s infrastructure • More frequent and intense droughts • Improved water management – investing
upgrades and maintenance. Rising temperatures and altered in robust infrastructure such as reservoirs,
precipitation patterns can lead pipelines and water treatment plants to
These disruptions have highlighted the to prolonged droughts, depleting optimise water use and minimise waste.
critical importance of water security for our freshwater reserves. The recent • Efficient water-use practices – promoting
community. winter season in Gauteng, with water conservation and sustainable
its drying dams, serves as a stark practices, particularly in agriculture, a
In response, the SLHOA has proactively reminder of this risk. major water consumer.
developed and implemented a Water Security • Flooding and water contamination • Adaptation to new conditions – developing
Plan to mitigate the impact of potential Extreme rainfall events can water systems that are resilient to both
future water shortages. This plan includes overwhelm water infrastructure, droughts and floods, and that are capable
investments in: causing damage and potentially of effectively managing the uncertainties of
• Emergency water storage tanks – to contaminating water sources. The changing weather patterns.
provide a buffer during periods of supply devastating floods experienced on
interruptions. the South Coast of KwaZulu-Natal By implementing proactive measures and
• A reverse osmosis water treatment in 2022 and 2023 underscore this prioritising water security, we can ensure the
plant – to treat borehole water for safe threat. long-term sustainability of our community
consumption. • Increased evaporation and its vital water resources.
Higher temperatures increase
We are pleased to inform residents that the evaporation rates, reducing the Although we, as an estate, are making
treated borehole water has successfully availability of water in natural provisions for residents, it is highly
passed SANS 241: 2015 Drinking Water reservoirs and man-made storage advisable that residents look into their own
Standards and has been classified as Class 0, systems. water storage units so as to minimise any
signifying “ideal” quality for domestic use. • Impact on groundwater inconvenience or effects on your household
Groundwater, a crucial back-up during times of zero or limited water supply
Water test results are available for viewing at during dry periods, may experience from the municipality.
the SLHOA management office in Muirfield reduced replenishment due to erratic
Boulevard or at the Clubhouse reception desk. rainfall patterns. The Operations Team