Page 4 - Intra Muros Issue 2 February 2025
P. 4
Message from the CEO 4 Garden of the month 24
Security plans for 2025 8 Birdwatching in your garden 26
Water security 10
Our own cat whisperer, Jeanne Todd 12 LIFESTYLE
Fishing in Silver Lakes 14 Restaurant competition 23
Get to know your Silver Lakes App: Reset your Password 17 Valentine’s Day Glyph 30
Get to know your Silver Lakes App: Panic Buttons 18 Interior décor, style and trends for 2025 35
Get to know your Silver Lakes App: Add an Emergency Contact 19 Book reviews 40
Upcoming estate events 21
Easy steps to recycling in the estate 27 TODAY’S CHILD
Raising readers in a digital world 28
27 Muirfield Boulevard, Silver Lakes HOA Daleen du Plessis PUBLISHER Nico Maritz -
Silver Lakes, Silver Lakes Directors Kathy O’Connor EDITOR Nicole Hermanson -
0081 Dean Pretorius Elize Malan SALES MANAGER Martin Fourie - 072 835 8405 -
PO Box 11106, Walters Noordman The Garden Group ADVERTISING SALES Gerdie Murphy - 082 556 9863 -
Silver Lakes 0054 Danie Basson PRODUCTION CO-ORDINATOR Chris Grant -
Tel: +27 12 809 0142 Nienke Moolman GRAPHIC DESIGNER Adele Gouws -
Note from the Editor
ith the holidays now a distant Alternatively, you can take a virtual tour of Our Today’s Child feature explains how kids
memory, children are back their campuses before continuing to flip can extend their literary brand presence. There
Wat school settling in to a busy through the rest of the supplement. are recommendations for aspiring authors
schedule as they tackle their academic of different age groups and tips to keep
and extra-curricular programmes for the In this issue, we bid farewell to Jeanne youngsters interested in books so they spend
year. While they’re occupied with friends, Todd, who has left an indelible mark on less time tapping on those mobile screens.
sport and studies, we invite parents to Silver Lakes through her activism and
take the opportunity to browse through kindness. We wish her all the best as she Here’s an early Happy Valentine’s Day wish to
our Educational Supplement, which embarks on a new adventure. You can also all of you! Be sure to spread the love among
showcases a selection of the top schools read about Patches, the Silver Lakes HOA your friends and family.
in South Africa. office cat.
Stay safe, be water-wise and enjoy this
Taking advantage of our digital platform, The Operations Team share tips on the edition.
many of the schools that appear in the importance of ensuring water security
supplement have included click-throughs in your home so as to avoid limited or Till next time,
on their adverts, so you can email them zero water supply during times of water
directly by clicking on their email address. shortages. Nicole Hermanson
Intra Muros is a monthly magazine of the Silver Lakes Homeowners’ Association (NPC). It is intended for the residents of Silver Lakes. It is published on behalf of the SL HOA by Estates in Africa (Pty) Ltd. Articles printed
in the Intra Muros, do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the SL HOA or the Estate, the publisher, nor of the companies themselves. Neither the SL HOA, nor the publishers can be held responsible for the quality of
the goods and services advertised in the Intra Muros. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without prior written permission of the publisher.