Page 45 - Intra Muros Issue 2 February 2025
P. 45

DOMESTIC WORKERS                   Home Services, Building            Painter – Trust is looking for painting
                                                   and Maintenance                projects  around  Pretoria  East.  He
        Matha  is  looking  for  domestic                                         comes highly recommended. Call him
        work  in  Silver  Lakes  on  Mondays,   FTTV Services  –  Installation,  design,   on  66  564  9690,  or  for  a  reference
        Wednesdays,  and  Fridays.  She  has   upgrade and repair of home automation,   call 082 560 2629.
        been working in Silver Lakes for the   home  theatre  systems,  internet,  Wi-Fi,
        past 10 years. Matha has a pleasant   audio  and  video,  satellite  TV  (DStv  or   Painter  –  Courage,  your  go-to
        personality,   is   hardworking,   OVHD),  multi-room  audio,  and  CCTV   painter for exceptional results. With
        enthusiastic,   and   can   work   systems. Call 083 654 0634.            attention to detail and a commitment
        without  supervision.  Call  her  on                                      to excellence, Courage delivers top-
        073 675 4988, or for a reference call   Gerry  –  A  very  competent  tiler  and   notch  painting  services  every  time.
        Ria on 082 376 5959.               has worked with reputable contractors   Reliable,  skilled  and  dedicated  to
                                           over   the   years,   with   multiple   customer satisfaction. Contact him on
        Rose  is  looking  for  domestic   projects  in  Silver  Lakes.  Gerry  comes   061  022  1706,  or  for  reference  call
        work  from  Monday  to  Friday  on   highly  recommended.  Call  Gerry  on   078 423 8818.
        a  sleep-out  basis.  She  can  speak   072  781  7914,  or  for  a  reference  call
        both  English  and  Afrikaans.  She   082 824 0073.                       Painting and waterproofing – Frans is
        is  kind,  hardworking,  patient,                                         an excellent painter and waterproofing
        reliable,  trustworthy,  always  on   Irrigation services – Repair, installation,   specialist.   Contact   Frans   on
        time and she can clean, cook, and   servicing and maintenance of irrigation   084 677 3186. For a reference contact
        do washing and ironing. Call her on   systems  for  over  15  years  in  Silver   Irma on 082 444 7368.
        079  610  5326.  References  are   Lakes.  Big  or  small  jobs  are  welcome.
        available.                         Contact  Jim  on  084  308  1240  or   Repair of gates and garage motors –
                                           082 258 9437.                          Installation of cameras and new gate
        Lindi is looking for domestic work on                                     motors.  Efficient,  professional  and
        Tuesdays or Saturdays. She works in   If you are looking for a hardworking and   affordable service. Please call Simon
        Silver Lakes four days a week. Call   reliable worker, I can highly recommend   on 082 867 9451.
        her  on  072  031  4110.  References   Elias as he has many skills. He works as a
        are available.                     gardener, and he worked for many years   Rubble  removal,  trees  and  palm
                                           at a construction company. He can pave   pruning – Justice also has a bakkie/
                CAREGIVER                  and paint. He has re-sealed and painted   pick-up and can be called to remove
                                           all  my  windows  and  much  more.  Call   garden and other rubble and do lawn
        Amanda  Mbambo  is  a  qualified   Elias on 063 863 6074.                 dressing. He also does tree and palm
        caregiver   and    is   highly                                            pruning (with a chainsaw). These two
        recommended.   Call   her   on     Jameson Projects – We move furniture,   services  come  at  good  prices.  Call
        060  433  9508.  References  are   do  general  transportation,  tree  felling   Justice on 076 631 3772.
        available.                         and terracing. Please call 084 896 0012
                                           for quotations.                        Repairs and monthly maintenance of

                GARDENERS                    Recently retired bookkeeper looking for   swimming pools and pumps. Contact
                                                                                  Marlene on 083 290 0374.
        Bongani  is  looking  for  gardening   a  part-time/half-day  bookkeeping  job.
        work two days a week (Mondays or   Please  email    Reliable painter and builder available.
        Tuesdays). He is an honest and hard   Salary is negotiable and I am immediately   Contact Seun on 072 663 9233.
        worker. Call him on 076 030 6666,   available.
        or for a reference call 083 760 0373.                                     RSP  construction  and  handyman
                                           Laundry service  –  Available  at  the   services  –  Building  and  renovations,
        David Xaba has been working in Silver   Silver  Lakes  Clubhouse  (across  the   plumbing, electrical, tiling, carpentry,
        Lakes  for  us  for  the  past  year  and   convenience store).           waterproofing,  painting,  swimming
        is  looking  for  additional  gardening   Mon-Sat: 9am – 4pm.             pools   and   more.   Affordable
        work  on  Mondays,  Wednesdays     Closed on holidays.                    prices   and   reliable   services.
        and Thursdays. He is an honest and   Services: dry cleaning, tailoring, laundry,   Call 071 011 6201 or email:
        dedicated  worker.  Call  David  on   curtain  and  carpet  cleaning,  shoe  and
        076 407 9916, or for a reference call   bag repairs.                      For a reference call Dr P Jansen on
        Hendrik on 083 449 0711.           Contact us on 060 758 2312.            084 843 1130.

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