Page 46 - Intra Muros Issue 2 February 2025
P. 46

Seamstress  –  Adjustments,  mending,   HOUSE AND PET SITTING             Fully certified tutor living inside your
        shortening  or lengthening,  school                                       estate! I offer after-school tutoring for
        clothes and blazers. Contact Marlene   I am available for pet sitting. I stay in   primary school learners in all subjects
        on 083 2900 374.                     Silver Lakes. I have my own dog, and I   required. Please contact Rita for more
                                             have been looking after pets for many   information on 073 472 3125.
        Swimming    pool   cleaning   and    years. I charge R100 a day. I give food
        maintenance  services   –   Please   and  water  daily.  Contact  Helen  on   Learn  French  with  a  qualified  tutor
        contact  Jacob  on  083  690  1063.   082 552 3418.                       holding an NQF Level 10 qualification
        For  a  reference,  please  call  Marietha                                and  living  inside  your  estate!  I  offer
        on  082  457  3770  or  Heila  on    Do  you  need  a  pet  sitter?  I  will  take   personalised  lessons  for  all  ages  and
        083 632 6639.                        care  of  your  precious  pets.  Whether   levels,  from  beginner  to  advanced,
                                             they  need  walking,  feeding,  a  clean   helping  you  progress  at  your  own
        Talladega  Auto  Clinic  –  Bosch  car   litter box or medication, I will take care   pace. Each session includes homework
        service. Your one-stop vehicle service,   of it for you. References are available   to  reinforce  your  learning,  and  I
        repair and diagnostic workshop. Please   if needed. Dependable, affordable and   am  available  after  working  hours
        call Shane Wilson on 012 809 4472 or   available. Contact Ilza on 067 962 1244   and  on  weekends.  My  rate  is  R350
        email:       for further information.             per  hour,  with  homework  included.
                                                                                  To book a lesson or for more details,
        Wi-Fi or Wi-Fried? Helping you change   Experienced  and  sought-after  house   contact  Alison  via  WhatsApp  at
        your  home/office  to  a  ‘Wi-Fi  safe’   and  pet  sitter  to  look  after  your   +27  79  349  7513.  Start  mastering
        zone.  (Specialising  in  EMF  Radiation   fur  babies  and  your  home.  You’ll   French today!”
        Awareness,  Advice,  Assessment  &   have  peace  of  mind  when  you’re
        Protection)                          away,  knowing  I’m  there  providing   Maths classes in English and Afrikaans
        Nowadays  our  bodies  are  constantly   increased  security  as  well  as  care   for  Grade  1-3  learners  facilitated  by
        being   bombarded   by   countless   and  companionship  for  your  pets.   a  Foundation  Phase  teacher  inside
        invisible   microwaves   and   radio   References  available.  Call  Sean  on   Silver Lakes Golf Estate. Please contact
        frequencies, many of which originally   082 893 9883.                     or send a message to Lomé for more
        were applied within a military context.                                   information on 082 412 2050.
        A  great  variety  of  sources  in  and   We stay in Silver Lakes, and we would
        around  our  homes  (cell  towers,  LED   love  to  take  care  of  your  pets  when
        streetlights  and  lights  elsewhere,   you  need  us.  Day  visits,  sleepover  or   If you would like to advertise in the
        satellites,  routers,  numerous  SMART   full  day.  References  available.  Please   Silver Lakes Intra Muros Classifieds
        really?)  meters  and  devices,  cell   contact Monique on 083 375 0206.   section, please email Nicole at
        phones,  etc  are  all  emitting  harmful                         by the
        Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR). EMR           TUTORING                    15  of every month. The Classifieds
        has  been  proven  to  be  carcinogenic                                    section is only available to Silver
        and can cause DNA damage. Did you    Achieve  your  academic  goals  with   Lakes residents and there is no
        know  that  various  radiation  sickness   Master Maths! Get a head start on your   charge for residents to advertise
        symptoms  are  identical  to  flu  or   revision  of  Maths  and  Science  with   here. Please include your Silver Lakes
        C19  symptoms?  Typical  symptoms    expert  guidance.  Early  preparation   stand number and contact details for
        are  insomnia,  pressure  around  the   leads to better results—don’t wait until   references. This Classifieds section is
        temples,  anxiety,  heart  and  nervous   it’s  too  late!  Re-do  your  matric  with   not for the use of businesses. If you
        system disorders, brain fog, etc.    confidence. Missed the mark the first   would like to advertise your business
        In  our  90-minute  Assessment  and   time?  Our  specialised  Matric  Rewrite   in the Silver Lakes Intra Muros
        Advice  session,  we  use  two  different   Program is designed to help you excel   magazine, please email Martin Fourie
        machines  to  measure  EMF  radiation   in  Maths  and  Science.  Gain  the  skills   at
        in  your  environment  (inside  and   and  confidence  you  need  to  achieve   All Classified advertisements will
        outside).  We  offer  practical  solutions   the  results  you  deserve.  Enrol  Today!   be removed monthly. Please inform
        to alleviate or remove any harmful   Contact  Sorita  to  secure  your  spot.   us by email before the 15  of every
        effects.  R850  for  Pretoria  East  area.   Email:,
        For an appointment SMS Josephine on   or  call:  084  877  8880.  Your  success   month if you would like to repeat
        063 0631 314.                        starts here — join Master Maths now!   your previous advert.

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