Page 40 - Waterfall City Issue 12 2022
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        The Intermediate Phase (Grades                                            Additional Languages, but all other
        4 to 6) took up the challenge of                                          subjects were taught through
        investigating problems based on                                           inter-disciplinary, custom-designed
        the United Nations Sustainable                                            projects. Our teachers, certified in
        Development Goals (SDG) for 2030,                                         the Microsoft 21st Century Learning
        which are a global call to action.                                        Design framework, collaborated to
                                                                                  design projects from which students
        •  Grade 4 explored water poverty                                         could choose, giving them autonomy
         (SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation);                                    over their learning.
        •  Grade 5 investigated food poverty
         (SDG 2 –Zero Hunger); and                                                Students selected four projects
        •  Grade 6 engaged with energy                                            from the 16 projects offered. Each
         poverty (SDG 7 – Affordable and                                          project allowed collaboration of two
         Clean Energy).                                                           subjects. Some examples included
                                                                                  a Business Studies and Information
        During the PBL programme, the                                             Technology project in which students
        timetable was collapsed on particular                                     had to design a hypothetical
        days to enable inter-disciplinary                                         property development using CAD
        working across the subjects. The                                          software, develop an integrated
        PBL activities were designed to                                           marketing strategy, and create an
        develop 21st century skills such                                          advertisement. In another project,
        as collaboration, knowledge                                               developed by Physical Sciences and
        construction, skilled communication,                                      Music, students learnt about sound
        real-world problem-solving, self-                                         waves and constructed a musical
        regulation, and the use of Information                                    instrument with which they had to
        and Communication Technologies                                            compose a song. Another popular
        (ICT) learning. Our students focused                                      project involved designing a crash
        on the South African context while                                        test barrier, coding a car to test it, and
        investigating global best practices. As                                   then using a chosen programming
        part of PBL, our students undertook                                       language to represent the data
        tasks such as creating a shopping list                                    visually.
        to feed a family of four on a highly
        restrictive budget. Our students                                          By engaging in Project-Based
        developed their research skills, used                                     Learning, our students become
        the design thinking methodology to                                        systems thinkers as they explore and
        develop workable solutions, and used                                      make deep connections between
        their ICT devices throughout the learning process.    ideas. It encourages divergent thinking as they become
                                                              problem-solvers. They learn to take risks, engage in iterative
        In the High School, the Grade 9 students continued with   thinking, and grow to be more empathetic to the challenges
        their core subjects of Mathematics, English, and First   of our world, both now and in the future.

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