Page 32 - Waterfall_Issue 7_2022
P. 32

Waterfall News




        Why the upsurge?

                                   By Dr Alicia Lazarus, Paediatric Pulmonologist

                                                                                   Dr Alicia Lazarus

        A        s the country takes a breath,   common, contagious viruses that   cause of bronchiolitis in infants and

                                                                                young children. There are seasonal
                                            cause infections of both the upper
                 with COVID restrictions
                 having finally been lifted,
                                                                                outbreaks each year throughout the
                                            and lower respiratory tract. This
                 everyone is eager for life
        to return to normal. We are seeing   article will highlight RSV (Respiratory   world, but this year, our season has
                                            Syncytial Virus), briefly look at the
                                                                                not followed its normal trajectory
        more and more people venture out    reasons for the upsurge in severity   (we have seen a prolonged season).
        and there are days when COVID really   and list measures that can be taken
        appears to be a thing of the past.   to protect your precious children.  RSV affects many infants in their first
        However, what most people aren’t                                        year of life, but certain groups are at
        aware of is that hospitals and clinics are   CONTAGION AND              risk of being more severely affected
        still packed to capacity with patients   TRANSMISSION                   – premature infants, children with
        infected by respiratory viruses, and   RSV will present with symptoms within   congenital cardiac disease, those
        COVID is not the culprit this time.   four to six days of contracting the virus,   younger than three months, sufferers
                                            and you can be contagious for up to   of BPD (lung disease associated with
        Respiratory viruses are defined as   eight days. RSV is the most frequent   prematurity) and children that have a

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