Page 33 - Waterfall_Issue 7_2022
P. 33

compromised immune system, as well   is needed to give supplemental     our susceptibility has. With all the
        as children with Downs Syndrome.    oxygen. Severely ill children may   restrictions placed on us for over two
        Certain groups will have prolonged   need more intensive care and higher   years, we have not built up the required
        shedding of the virus, which means   degrees of respiratory support.    immunity needed as a group, leaving
        they can spread the virus for longer.                                   our little ones especially susceptible to
                                            When should you seek help or be     our more common strains of viruses.
        This virus is spread by droplet     concerned when your child is ill?   Children, who are generally magnets
        transmission, such as coughing      •  If there are any signs of dehydration   for all sorts of bugs, have gone for
        and sneezing.                        or poor feeding/refusal to eat.    months without interacting with
                                            •  If there are signs of respiratory   other children or anyone outside their
        SYMPTOMS                             distress (flaring of the nostrils, fast   home, and when they do, it is often in
        Bronchiolitis is a virus-induced lower   breathing, using accessory muscles   a sterile, masked environment. Even
        respiratory tract infection, presenting   to breathe, blue/pale colour).   babies born during the pandemic may
        mostly in children under two years   •  A newborn or infant with a      not have received antibodies in the
        of age, especially in infants. Clinical   temperature of more than      womb as their mothers were isolated
        symptoms can vary depending          38 degrees Celsius.                and sheltered from being exposed
        on age, comorbidities (other        •  And as always – a parent knows   to any viruses during this time.
        medical problems), environmental     best, so if you are very concerned,
        exposures (pollution, smoke) and     it’s better to seek medical advice   The disruption to our day-to-day lives
        a history of previous infections.    and have your child assessed.      caused by the pandemic has prevented
                                                                                much-needed antibodies against
        Signs and symptoms include          There has been an upsurge in        viruses from being generated by our
        congestion, rhinorrhea (runny nose),   respiratory viruses and prolonged   young children who are now being
        and sneezing, along with a low-grade   seasons of respiratory virus activity.   exposed with the lifting of restrictions.
        fever (temperature between 37.5 and   This has emerged after periods of   Prevention is key during these times!
        38.5 degrees Celsius). The condition   lockdown and little to no exposure
        then progresses within one to two   to viruses, leading to little to no
        days to involve the lower respiratory   immunity, especially in young
        system (lungs) causing wheezing     children. In general, viruses which
        (whistling breathing), hyperinflation,   may have had asymptomatic or mild
        fast breathing and signs of respiratory   presentations are resulting in more
        distress (difficulty breathing) as well   severe symptoms, most likely due
        as a cough. A child may present with a   to our waning immunity. We will
        mild or very severe respiratory illness.  have to monitor trends in seasons
                                            to come and see if this changes.
        The virus is diagnosed by obtaining   HOW CAN ONE PREVENT
        a nasopharyngeal swab (yes, that    INFECTION?
        dreaded, painful nose swab we’ve    Prevention involves the washing of
        all had to undergo when testing for   hands, cough hygiene, restricting
        COVID). Normally no chest radiograph   day care in RSV season (especially in
        (X-ray) is needed but it will be done in   the high-risk groups), and avoiding
        severe cases or prolonged or atypical   environmental exposures (pollution,
        presentations. Sometimes the doctor   tobacco smoke). If your child is
        will check the oxygen saturation    sick, please keep them at home to
        levels to assess how sick the child   avoid further spread of the disease.
        is. Other signs of severe disease are   Immunization (a costly monthly
        lethargy, and inability to feed.    injection) is available, but this is
                                            reserved for high-risk groups.
        Treatment is largely supportive     As we transition out of this global
        (hydration, pain control and lots   pandemic, we need to acknowledge
        of love). However, if oxygen levels   that there are other threats out
        are low, then admission to hospital   there. Viruses have not changed but   IMAGE BY ANNA SHVETS

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