Page 14 - Waterfall_Issue 8_2022
P. 14

Waterfall News

        landscaping. Additionally, the company   pods and sitting areas are available   site has been designed to deliver
        is currently replacing all plastic   for meetings, to take calls or just   the best possible experience for our
        polybags with recycled plastic.     for staff to catch a breather.      customers and to provide our team
                                                                                with a great place to work,” says
        Oosthuizen adds: “As with all of Attacq’s   Another passion and focus shared   Natalie Wills, Country Manager for
        developments, Waterfall Logistics Hub   by Waterfall and Cotton On are its   the Cotton On group. “The campus
        prioritises environmental sustainability.   people and ensuring a harmonious   was designed with a ‘People First’
        All buildings are custom-built with a   environment for all. As such, the   culture approach, which underpins
        strong focus on integration, flexibility   Southern African headquarters and   what our brand stands for. It puts
        and efficiency across the warehouse   distribution centre puts its employees   us in good stead to continue
        component and offices. We welcome   and their wellness at the heart of its   our excellent customer service
        Cotton On, who are a great fit and are   operations. Both the head office and   processes, and is an extension of our
        committed to similar Environmental,   warehouse staff enjoy the same facilities   commitment to making a positive
        Social and Governance goals.”       and services, with welcoming entrances   impact in all areas of our business.”
                                            and chill areas replicated at both entry
        In line with businesses adapting to   points. There is an ultramodern gym   Leading brands such as BMW Group SA,
        new ways of working and innovating,   with personal trainers available, meal   Cummins, Massbuild, Vantage,
        the Cotton On campus comprises      delivery services, coffee machines,   Dis-Chem, Pirtek, Zimmer Biomet,
        open workspaces that encourage      Wi-Fi, and indoor greenery to increase   Superga, GloTool and Dimension
        conversation and collaboration. Each   productivity and replenish focus.  Data also call Waterfall home – and
        of the company’s divisions has its                                      use the precinct’s many benefits
        own brand room that represents the   “Our products are pretty magical   to fortify their daily business
        core themes of its brand. Break-out   and so is our team. The new bespoke   operations and strategic goals.

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