Page 19 - Waterfall_Issue 8_2022
P. 19

separating their waste at the source.
                                                                                However, this is still something that is
                                                                                voluntary. With that said, we want to
                                                                                make it as easy as possible for people to
                                                                                recycle and therefore we are working on
          Precompost in the making                                              some innovate solutions to prompt all
                                                                                Waterfall stakeholders to get involved
        entire Waterfall community fight the   CENTRALISING WASTE               in the recycling process. Once the
        carbon battle, while also creating a   MANAGEMENT                       centralised waste management facility
        nutrient-rich fertiliser for gardens, parks,   Over and above this, Waterfall aims to   opens, we will encourage people
        and fields. So far, the food waste from   create a centralised waste management   within Waterfall and surrounding
        Mall of Africa, Polofields Crossing and   facility on site. This will provide   communities to come and drop off their
        Waterfall Wilds is being processed on   residents with a place to drop off their   recyclables at our facility,” says Joubert.
        a monthly basis, with Waterfall Wilds   recyclables, including e-waste. Key to
        contributing most of the cardboard.  this is to separate the wet waste (food   The facility will also geo-locate
                                            and contaminated cardboard) and dry   recycling bins throughout the city
        Here’s how the food waste           waste (plastics, tin, glass, and so on).  for smart route planning to be done.
        recycling process utilising the                                         The waste trucks will then be able to
        Heron IVC machine works:            “Our aim is to have a system that   collect the bins from people’s homes.
        •  Food waste is high in nitrogen and, as   measures our compliance when   The plan is to do this via the Go
         such, needs to be balanced with carbon,   the regulations change. This can   Waterfall app, making it convenient
         which also helps to mitigate moisture.   entail a barcode scanning solution,   for everyone in the community.
         The carbon source used in this regard   especially for commercial entities
         is cardboard. The ratio of the cardboard   that are already separating their   “Even though we have just begun
         is about 25% of the food waste.    waste at the source,” adds Joubert.  working on conceptualising and
        •  The mechanism of the Heron IVC                                       planning this facility, the eventual
         spreads both the food waste and    Ruan Spies, Sustainability Manager at   aim is full automation. But for now,
         cardboard evenly across the vessel,   the Waterfall Management Company,   the focus is on making incremental
         aerating the mixture at the same time.   explains that the public’s general   changes to improve the process flow
         This process is monitored constantly.   awareness of the importance of   as much as possible,” says Spies.
        •  After 2-3 weeks in the machine, the   recycling is vastly different from
         precompost is discharged and taken   thirty years ago. “Children are more   SUSTAINABILITY ABOVE ALL
         to the main compost site. There,   educated about recycling and can    Spies says that Waterfall is preparing
         it is mixed with garden waste to   help their parents understand how   for a time when separating waste will
         mature fully into organic compost.   best to separate waste. In general, our   become mandatory due to legislation.
        •  During this 6-8 week maturation   waste recycling is already doing very   “Residents and businesses here are
         process, it is turned regularly with the   well throughout Waterfall,” he says.  embracing this, as they understand
         help of a Tractor-Loader-Backhoe (TLB).                                the importance of being sustainable.
        •  The end product is then ready for    Joubert agrees. “Most of the residential   However, whilst we are not in favour
         the garden.                        estates within Waterfall are already   of landfilling, it must be realised

           Precompost mixed with garden waste being turned by a TLB
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