Page 20 - Waterfall_Issue 8_2022
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Waterfall News

        A mountain of compost ready for use

        that it still has its place due to the   FUTURE THINKING                are to identify certain waste items,
        limitations of what can be realistically   Spies believes it is important to draw   which can be potentially recycled or
        recycled in South Africa. In the    inspiration from what the rest of the   repurposed in an attempt to further
        same breath, property is a valuable   world is doing when it comes to waste.   minimise what is thrown away. Such
        commodity, and it can be argued     “There are many forward-thinking    processes are important, to ensure
        that there are more economically    companies and entrepreneurs         waste is broken down and disposed
        attractive developments than having   involved in waste management. We   of responsibly,” says Joubert.
        a landfill near your premises.”     are constantly researching and looking
                                            for ingenious ways to repurpose     The central message though is clear.
        “But there are significant logistical   waste since it forms such a critical   Because of the capital investment
        costs in terms of distances travelled,   aspect of sustainability. We also feel   required to acquire and set up
        also factoring in the high fuel costs,   it is essential to help the surrounding   equipment, Waterfall needs complete
        which further exacerbate the problem.   communities in this regard. For   visibility of what it has in terms of
        Furthermore, it takes a long time to   example, we envision assisting   waste and how to manage it as
        establish a licensed landfill, which   Alexandra to drive sustainability and   optimally as possible. Only once the
        essentially entails environmental   waste awareness. The success thereof   homework has been done, can things
        impact studies, construction and    will depend on support from The City   be rolled out to enhance Waterfall
        fulfilment of operational requirements   of Johannesburg and relevant NGOs   and the surrounding communities.
        before waste can be landfilled. In   where the ideal scenario would be
        addition, there is a post-closure   to address pollution concerns of the   Lourens du Toit, Head of Sustainability,
        period which can be anything from   Jukskei River, which will benefit all   Infrastructure and Land at Attacq,
        ten to thirty years before the land   communities downstream,” says Spies.  echoes this sentiment. “It begins
        can be used again. So, we hope this                                     with developing an integrated
        centralised waste management facility   “Waterfall already has processes in   waste management plan that entails
        will be well received,” he comments.  place that include people picking   an in-depth study of the waste
                                            up litter along the river to support   generated. This includes the type
        Joubert adds that Waterfall will    in cleaning it up. The next steps   and volume of waste generated.
        also consider various recycling                                         From there, it is about understanding
        initiatives in which residents and                                      the waste value chain in order for
        businesses can participate, and       The gardens of                    us to identify the opportunities,
        where recognition will be provided    Waterfall enjoy                   as well as determine the potential
                                              the nutrient-rich
        to those who contribute significantly   compost produced                to leverage economies of scale of
        towards the recycling process and     on-site                           any specific initiatives,” he says.
        the efforts of the development.
                                                                                Joubert says it all comes down to
        “This will help create healthy rivalry                                  communicating the seriousness of the
        between our estates, the commercial                                     waste issue in South Africa. “Many of
        entities, and schools in the development.                               our residents want to participate in
        From our perspective, it will greatly                                   recycling, especially when it comes
        assist in helping to measure how many                                   to organic waste. It is up to us to
        tons of waste we are recycling as well                                  provide them with a viable, user-
        as changing behaviour to put waste                                      friendly solution,” he concludes.
        management top of mind, making this
        sustainable messaging a part of what                                    Reference
        living in Waterfall means,” says Joubert.                               document/202101/44116gon56.pdf

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