Page 29 - Waterfall_Issue 8_2022
P. 29

The anatomy of the eye

                                                                                2.  Wet AMD
                                                                                Wet AMD is less common but far
                                                                                more serious. This form of AMD
                                                                                happens when there is too much of a
                                                                                substance called vascular endothelial
                                                                                growth factor (VEGF) in the eye and
                                                                                this substance causes the growth of
                                                                                abnormal blood vessels under the
                                                                                macula. As a result, these abnormal
                                                                                blood vessels bleed and leak fluids
                                                                                into the macula and cause a painless
                                                                                but rapid loss of central vision. There
                                                                                is blurring and severe distortion of
        damage to the macula, a small area   retina where the majority of cone cells   vision when looking straight ahead.
        located in the centre of the retina.   are situated. This small area of the retina   Wet AMD typically affects one eye first
                                            is critical for sharp, detailed central   but may eventually affect both eyes.
        The retina is the thin layer of light-  vision. The image focused on the macula
        sensitive tissue lining the back of the   is converted to electrical impulses, and   Vision is lost much faster than
        eye. The macula is extremely important   the optic nerve carries these impulses   with dry AMD. Eventually, the
        as it is responsible for seeing fine details   to the brain, where they are processed.  bleeding and subsequent scarring
        clearly. Patients with AMD lose the                                     of the macula may lead to severe
        ability to see fine details, both near   DIFFERENT TYPES OF AMD         and permanent loss of central
        and in the distance. For example, a   1.  Dry AMD                       vision. However, in most cases,
        person with AMD will look at a clock   This is the most common type of   the peripheral vision is spared and
        and see the outline of the clock but   macular degeneration, and about   there is no risk of going completely
        will be unable to tell the time.    80% of people with AMD have the dry   blind in the eye. Treatment
                                            type. Dry AMD occurs when parts of   includes lifestyle changes, sun
        HOW VISION WORKS                    the macula get thinner with age and   protection, vitamin supplements
        To understand how AMD affects vision,   small, yellow clumps of protein, called   and anti-VEGF injections.
        it is helpful to understand how the eye   drusen, grow in the macula. Patients
        works. Vision occurs when light enters   complain of a slow, gradual loss of   WHO IS AT RISK?
        the eye through the pupil. The cornea   central vision, but peripheral (side)   You are more likely to develop
        and lens in the front of the eye focus   vision remains intact. While there is   AMD if there are one or more of
        light onto the retina at the back of the   no treatment, early detection, lifestyle   the following factors present:
        eye. The retina is a light-sensitive layer   changes and vitamin supplements   •  You are over 50 years
        that lines the interior of the eye and is   can slow down the progression of   •  Caucasian
        made up of millions of specialised cells   the disease. All macular degeneration   •  Have a family history of AMD
        called rods and cones. The macula is a   begins as ‘dry’, but 10 – 15% of patients   •  Smoke cigarettes or are
        small yellow spot in the centre of the   with dry AMD progress to ‘wet’ AMD.  exposed to passive smoke

                               Age-related Macular Degeneration


                                                                                 (with bleeding)
                                                         healthy macula
                               (without bleeding)

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