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Waterfall News
• You are overweight The following tests may be done to and these injections need to be
• You have hypertension determine the extent of the disease: repeated monthly initially and
or heart disease • Vision charts such as visual acuity then several times per year.
• You eat a diet high in saturated foods charts and Amsler-grid charts will
be used to determine eye function. • Lifestyle changes: Your
WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS? • A detailed clinical examination ophthalmologist will speak to
• Blurry or distorted areas in your will be done, using special you about risk factors such as
central vision (often the earliest sign) lenses to examine the retina. smoking, hypertension, obesity, and
• Dark or ‘empty’ areas in the • Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) poor diet. You will be advised to
middle of your vision is a commonly used technique to exercise regularly and to eat more
• Straight lines appear accurately provide excellent retinal leafy vegetables, fish, wholegrain
wavy or distorted images. This test will give accurate foods and nuts. In addition,
• Objects appear smaller cross-sectional images of the macula sunglasses will be prescribed to
or the wrong size to determine the extent of the AMD protect your eyes against the
• Decreased intensity or and the response to treatment. harmful spectrum of sunlight.
brightness of colours • Fluorescein angiography may
• Difficulty with daily activities be required, whereby a special • Vitamins: You may be prescribed
like reading, driving, watching dye is injected into an arm vein. a daily high-dose supplement
TV, or recognising faces This makes blood vessels on containing vitamins and antioxidants,
the retina glow brightly under a shown in clinical trials to slow
HOW IS AMD DIAGNOSED? special light. Photographic images down the disease progression.
It is important to have regular eye are then taken of the retina.
examinations by your optometrist HOW DO I LIVE WITH AMD?
or ophthalmologist (eye specialist) HOW IS WET AMD • AMD primarily affects your central
to identify early signs of eye disease. TREATED? vision. You will learn to rely more
Retinal conditions like AMD have a The main goal of treatment in on your peripheral vision (edge of
much better long-term prognosis AMD is to stop or slow disease your vision) to remain functional.
if identified and managed early in progression and, if possible, • Brighter lighting in the home will
the development of the disease. restore or improve vision. help with navigation around the
house and doing daily chores.
Your ophthalmologist will do a • Anti-VEGF injections: As mentioned, • Low vision aids, such as
detailed and thorough examination a substance called vascular stronger glasses and magnifiers,
of the whole eye to look for any endothelial growth factor (VEGF) will help with reading.
abnormalities. Dilating drops will causes the growth of abnormal • There is computer software
be instilled into your eyes to widen blood vessels in the eyes in wet that can enlarge text and, if
the pupils so the ophthalmologist AMD. Anti-VEGF medication binds to necessary, read it out to you.
can examine the retina in detail. VEGF and prevents further damage
Special tests will also be done to to the eye. For this medication to Useful online sources:
accurately investigate any signs be effective on the retina, it must,,
or symptoms of retinal disease. be given by intra-ocular injection
28 Waterfall Issue 8 2022
Josef Tal, an Israeli composer who was affected by macular
degeneration, checks a manuscript using a CCTV desktop unit.
By Required attribution text: “Photo: Etan Tal”, Attribution,