Page 23 - Waterfall Issue 9_2022
P. 23

Fashion Week (SAFW) director Lucilla                                    and significant career-developing
        Booyzen says that top models have                                       opportunity to do a campaign with
        an ‘it’ factor that allows the camera                                   top international brand, Puma.
        or the runway to access a unique
        spiritedness that lights up the world.                                  New Talents Glowing and
        “It is a quality that can make a brand                                  Since its inception in 2019, the
        come alive or inspire a designer’s                                      competition that drew 600 online
        creative vision. It is an inner vitality                                entries in 2021, has catapulted
        that is much more compelling                                            remarkable new talents onto the
        than physical good looks.”                                              local and international scene.

        This can easily be a departure from                                     “Models are key when it comes to the
        the conventional beauty ideal – a                                       marketing of fashion. Without models,
        gap between the front teeth that                                        there would be no shows, fashion
        gives a goofy loveliness, such as                                       spreads, media coverage and none
        with Dutch model Lara Stone, or                                         of the exceptional social media buzz
        the distinctive birthmark of local                                      generated about the new designer
        favourite Kgothi Iman that adds depth                                   collections,” explains Booyzen.
        of character to the simplest shot.
                                                                                Inaugural winners Trystan Riley and
        True Grit                                                               Lethabo Khunou of Boss Models
        Superficially, a modelling career may   Image above by Eunice Driver Photography   have been a powerful addition to
                                            supplied by SA Fashion Week | Official SA Fashion
        seem as simple as pitching up, but   Week Runway Photographer | Collection by Ntando   the agency’s board and have grown
        the truth is that every successful   XV SS22                            immensely as models over the past two
        model has a gritty staying power that   Image below by Eunice Driver Photography   years, despite the hurdles caused by
        enables them to face setbacks and   supplied by SA Fashion Week | Official SA Fashion   the pandemic, says booker Erin Heart.
        hardships with the same elegance    Week Runway Photographer | Collection by Artho
                                            Eksteen AW23
        that carries them down the runway.                                      Trystan’s striking Titian bob and delicately
                                                                                freckled skin has added a delightful
        “Demand for the discipline and                                          quirkiness to television commercials for
        professionalism of South African                                        multiple local brands including, KFC,
        models puts them in the top                                             Samsung and Share Now as well as on
        three countries with Sweden and                                         the international fashion front for Europa
        Canada internationally,” says Jane                                      Art’s SS21 campaign and top hair stylist
        Celliers, director of Ice Models. “In                                   Candice McKay’s international multi-
        addition to being gorgeous, they                                        award-winning hair collection, The Lotus.
        are exceptionally industrious and
        dependable and simply great to have                                     Lethabo, too, has shone brightly
        on a team because of their easy-going                                   in her time at Boss. She became a
        attitudes and ability to roll with the                                  muse to several SAFW designers,
        inherent challenges of the industry.”                                   recently flew out to Tanzania to shoot
                                                                                luxury Danish brand Munthe’s Pre-
        Local model Nicole Bux for example,                                     Fall 2022 collection and landed the
        endured a bleak and cold English                                        opportunity to star with Viola Davis in
        Christmas without any family, in                                        an upcoming movie, The Woman King.
        order to secure a working visa for
        the UK when international travel to                                     The competition was placed on
        South Africa was prohibited after                                       hold for 2020 during the pandemic
        the discovery of the Omicron COVID                                      but resumed in 2021, partnering
        strain. Her courage to tough it out has                                 with Ice Models in a rotational
        subsequently landed her a lucrative                                     structure that alternates annually

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