Page 28 - Waterfall Issue 9_2022
P. 28

Waterfall News


        AND THE UGLY

        The skin microbiome and its dermatological and surgical role

                                              By Dr Ashley Naidoo and Dr Lushen Pillay

                                            The skin is our largest
                                                organ and serves

                                                 as our external
                                                 envelope, with

                                               the duty to form a
                                               physical barrier to

                                                prevent invasion
           Dr Ashley Naidoo

           Dr Ashley Naidoo is a specialist     into our body by
           orthopaedic surgeon practising      foreign pathogens
           at Netcare Waterfall City
           Hospital and is a co-founder       (organisms causing
           of Gauteng Orthopaedic
           Associates. Dr Lushen Pillay               disease).                                                        IMAGE COURTESY: WWW.TRUTHINAGING.COM
           is a specialist dermatologist
           practising at Netcare Waterfall
           City Hospital and is the
                                            O        trillions of microorganisms,   surgery) and apply certain topical
           founder of Skinderm.                      ur skin is teeming with    wash, sanitise with alcohol (e.g. before

                                                     like bacteria, fungi,
                                                                                lotions, we alter the skin’s surface
                                                     and viruses that occur
                                                                                biome – the foot soldiers protecting
                                            naturally. These invisible life forms   environment. This can prevent the skin
                                            are referred to collectively as the skin   the skin’s immunity from the bad
                                            microbiome or biome. A very similar   bugs – from performing their vital
                                            set-up is seen in our intestines.   function, which is termed dysbiosis.

                                            The skin biome – or ‘good bugs’     THE ROLE OF THE SKIN
                                            – provide the skin with a defence   BIOME IN DISEASE
                                            against invasion by infection-causing   When dysbiosis occurs, a diseased
                                            bacteria – or ’bad bugs’ – by producing   skin process can be triggered. The
                                            antimicrobial proteins and altering the   imbalance and resulting dysregulated
           Dr Lushen Pillay                 environment on the skin. When we    inflammatory process can exacerbate

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