Page 24 - Waterfall City Issue 2 February 2023
P. 24
Waterfall City News
Retirement planning
J ack Welch famously said, plan to support effective saving for commitment. In our world of instant
gratification and cheap credit, this
retirement, and having the stamina
“Take control of your own
and commitment to execute this
destiny, or someone else will.”
means sticking to your long-term
In so many ways, this applies
to retirement planning as well. plan. This is easier said than done, retirement plan and not letting it
become derailed – for example by a
so this article provides a checklist to
help you start, and remain committed desire for the latest fashion trend, car
The number of South Africans who to a plan to be part of the group of or cellphone.
are able to retire comfortably has South Africans who will be able to
stubbornly remained at about 6% retire comfortably. The key is to ensure that your plan is
for a few decades now. One of the practical and to stick to it. You also
traits these individuals share is Develop new and healthy need to understand factors that may
that they are taking control of their habits lead you to stray from your plan and
destiny. This includes saving for Investing in your retirement have the tools in place to address
retirement, having a holistic financial plan implies making a long-term those temptations should they arise.
22 Waterfall City Issue 2 2023