Page 26 - Waterfall City September Issue 2023
P. 26

Waterfall City News

                                                                               Professor Jon Patricios



        Concussion can occur in almost any sport

        C       ontinuing to play sport with an undiagnosed   “Whenever there is any chance that a person may have

                concussion can have dangerous or potentially
                                                              suffered concussion, it is imperative that they are examined
                even fatal consequences, warns Professor Jon
                                                              by a doctor who will guide the next steps. It is just not worth
                Patricios, director of Waterfall Sports Orthopaedic
                                                              harm; a trained clinical eye is needed to detect subtle signs of
        Surgery, based at Netcare Waterfall City Hospital.    taking a chance when it comes to potential neurological
                                                              head injury, which may need specific interventions. Certainly,
        “It is important that anyone who has had a blow to the head   any deterioration of an athlete’s condition after a suspected
        is appropriately assessed for concussion, and in the school   concussion should be treated as an emergency.
        sport context, this is something all coaches, trainers, players
        and parents of participants need to be aware of,” says Patricios,   “Even after a doctor’s consultation, the person should not be
        who is also a professor of Sport and Exercise Medicine at the   left alone, even if they are cleared to go home, as anyone who
        University of the Witwatersrand’s Faculty of Health Science   has suspected concussion must be monitored for any change
        and leader of the Wits Sport and Health (WiSH) research   in their condition,” warns Patricios, who is the founder and a
        group.                                                director of Sports Concussion South Africa.

        He points out that any activity where there may be a fall, the   Patricios has been instrumental in making the latest in
        possibility of a fast-moving ball striking the head or the head   international concussion management protocols available
        colliding with the ground, or a collision with another person   to local schools and amateur athletes. He recently co-led the
        or object could result in concussion. This includes everything   International Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport,
        from rugby, cricket and gymnastics to water polo, hockey,   published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine in June
        motorcycling and equestrian sports, among others.     2023.

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