Page 30 - Waterfall City September Issue 2023
P. 30

Waterfall City News

        who understand that time is a critical   Shares and exchange traded     your family’s nest egg, but I would
        factor when building wealth.        funds (ETFs) listed on the          encourage seeking assistance from
                                            JSE                                 a qualified financial adviser to guide
        It is not down to the amount of     Investors can enjoy exposure to     you along the way.
        money being invested alone. This is   shares listed on the JSE through
        especially relevant when considering   a direct equity portfolio, which   Personal Share Portfolios
        adding securities to your family’s   provides exposure to an index or   (PSPs)
        nest egg, as they have consistently   portfolio of stocks (for example,   A final option is investing in local and
        proven to beat inflation over the   ETFs) or a single share (affording   offshore shares through a PSP. The
        long-term more effectively than any   exposure to a particular sector of   benefit of a PSP is that it allows you
        other single asset class. Most people   the economy). Both ETFs and shares   to structure your retirement funds
        who consistently invest in securities   provide passive income in the form of   in such a way that you can invest
        over the long-term are better placed   either distributions paid quarterly (in   directly in shares. No capital gains
        to enjoy their retirement with far less   the case of ETFs) or dividend income   tax or income tax is payable within a
        negative impact on their lifestyles.  paid bi-annually (in the case of locally   retirement annuity, so you can have
                                            listed shares).                     direct exposure to shares without the
        How investing in securities                                             tax implications associated with a
        contributes towards passive         Shares and exchange traded          separate direct equity portfolio.
        income                              funds listed on offshore
        Investing in securities over the long-  exchanges                       Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds
        term generates both capital gains   Investors can diversify their exposure   Act currently limits equity exposure
        and dividend income. Capital gains   by not only investing locally (in ‘SA   in retirement funds to 75% (whether
        are enjoyed when the value of a share   Inc.’ shares), but by also investing   local or offshore), exposure to local
        exceeds the initial cost of purchasing   in shares offshore. Individual   or international property to 25%,
        the share, whilst dividend income is a   investors have various means to   and foreign investment exposure to
        financial return that investors receive   invest in offshore shares and ETFs,   30%. There are additional restrictions,
        whilst holding securities – in other   the most common method being     including sub-limits for alternative
        words, securities not only provide a   investing using their annual single   investments and the percentage of a
        financial benefit once they are sold (by   discretionary allowance (currently   portfolio that can be held in offshore
        way of capital gains), but also provide   R1 million per calendar year), whilst   assets.
        regular benefits whilst you are invested   investors making use of trusts or
        in them (by way of dividends).      companies to house their offshore   Holistic financial advice
                                            investments can also make use of    Since retirement planning requires
        Receiving dividends every quarter   institutional investor facilities.   holistic financial advice, it is advisable
        or every year is an excellent passive                                   to consult a financial adviser to ensure
        income source, and hence, a key     Investing in offshore securities    that your family’s nest egg is well
        asset class to consider as part of   can contribute meaningfully to     positioned to deliver on your needs.
        your nest egg. An added benefit of
        earning dividend income whilst you
        are contributing towards retirement
        is that it provides an opportunity to
        reinvest these funds into securities
        when they are attractively priced,
        in turn increasing your ability to
        generate further dividends in the
        future. Receiving dividend income
        during your retirement also limits the
        need for you to sell shares to fund
        your expenses (which would trigger
        capital gains tax).

        Factors to consider when
        adding securities to your
        There are different ways of
        incorporating securities into your
        family’s nest egg:

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