Page 35 - Waterfall City September Issue 2023
P. 35

media. Be aware of the allure of early   Your best hope is that through the   to compete at athletics. Rather than
        drinking and vaping, for example, that   learning opportunities you present   letting them stop altogether, get them
        is promoted in the virtual world. You’ll   to your child, you’ve created a space   to commit to practising and exercising
        need to learn how to navigate your   where they can distinguish decent   daily regardless of whether or not they
        child’s exposure to negative influences   people from bad influencers and know   want to be competitive. Follow as normal
        in order to prevent your child from   whom to keep at a distance. A pivotal   a schedule as possible. If you used to do
        starting a bad habit – or at least   lesson to teach a teen is that every   family dinners, retain family dinners.
        prevent the habit from getting worse.   valuable relationship can be predicated
                                            on the word “no”. If a friend will not take   Furthermore, try to maintain
        As difficult as it is, try to monitor   “no” for an answer, then that friendship   household rules and discipline as these
        and limit your teen’s exposure to   shouldn’t last, especially when it comes   provide children with security. It is fine
        social media. The world is constantly   to the pressures of a teen romance or   to let your teens be more independent
        presented on social platforms in a   smoking and drinking.              as they become more responsible with
        certain way. We know that this is a fake                                age, but do not abandon rules and
        world of false glamour that can expose   4.  Controlling the            consequences just because they are
        your child to the dangers of alcohol   controllables                    too difficult to enforce with a teen or
        and drug use, bullying, trafficking,   Control what you have control over and   because you believe your teen won’t
        sexual and emotional exploitation,   try loosening your grip on what you   follow them. This is precisely the time
        and sheer manipulation. It’s essential   cannot control. During adolescence,   that follow-through is essential.
        that you warn them of these dangers   a big challenge is your child negating
        because they may feel a great need to   routines. For example, many parents   When you cannot reason with them
        subscribe to whatever is online due to   bemoan having spent many hours   at these times, remember to guard
        peer pressure.                      on the hockey field or cricket pitch or   your mental health. This is because
                                            by the swimming pool, only to have   adolescence can be as overwhelming
        3.  Relationships and               the teenager decide on a whim that   for you as for your child. There will be
           friendships                      they no longer want to participate.   times when the youngster is more
        Be vigilant about who your teens    This extends to your teen no longer   interested in being offensive than in
        are hanging out with. This is tricky   wanting to participate in family dinners   making progress, times when whatever
        because there are friends we do not   or Sunday lunches.                you try doesn’t work, times when your
        want our children to associate with.                                    teen won’t talk or be reasonable – and
        However, if you forbid your child from   Stand your ground. Try to follow basic   won’t listen.
        engaging in such associations, they   routines, the ones that provide comfort
        may rebel and seek out these people   and familiarity in their structure. For   If you’re unsure of how to proceed
        intentionally.                      example, your teen no longer wants   because things are out of control, go
                                                                                          back to the basics. Tick the
                                                                                          boxes for a few days and
                                                                                          your teen will probably
                                                                                          reboot, at which point
                                                                                          some form of normality
                                                                                          can return and problems
                                                                                          can be tackled.
                                                                                          •  Exercise: Done daily,
                                                                                           or every second day,
                                                                                           exercise will make your
                                                                                           teenager happier, even
                                                                                           if they complain. It will
                                                                                           probably make you
                                                                                           happier, too. Exercise
                                                                                           affects mood, energy
                                                                                           levels, learning, and more.
                                                                                          •  Sleep: A consistent
                                                                                           routine, including
                                                                                           consistent bedtime,
                                                                                           encourages better sleep.
                                                                                           A healthy sleep should

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