Page 34 - Waterfall City September Issue 2023
P. 34
Waterfall City Today’s Child
event, so the event can
turn out to be life-altering
or a valuable life lesson
for the teenager. Our
approach can also make it
easier for our teenagers to
bounce back.
Our children listen to our
words, notice our stress
levels and watch what we
do. Feeling secure and
connected to parents,
family members, teachers,
friends or the surrounding
community is the greatest
protection children have.
It builds their resilience in
the here and now as well as
into the future.
With a support system in place for When an opportunity for opening a and take on a physical form; there may
them, parents will be able to keep discussion presents itself, listen out for be experimentation with alcohol and
negative beliefs to a minimum, calm any misunderstandings. Remember: smoking; personality and physical
fears, debunk ideas about what’s it is common for teens to have fears changes occur. It’s hard for a teenager
normal and pull together as a family. based on the information at their to gauge what normality is during this
This will help a teen to bounce back disposal and on the limited life phase. What’s also concerning is that
and even grow from the challenges experience they have. As stated, timing they tend to rely on their friends for
they face. In addition, the entire with teens is everything. When they information – friends who are just as
family will be able to use experiences, bring up something, be ready. confused as they are.
whether positive or negative, as life
lessons and skills-building exercises. They may bring up “a friend’s If you suspect your teen is struggling
problem”. This is a wonderful learning with something but isn’t opening up,
So, how exactly can you as a parent opportunity because the friend’s provide a learning opportunity by
help your children navigate uncharted problem provides emotional distance. showing them how you are working
territory? Here are some suggestions: It allows for the problem to be through something. Let your child see
externalised, so it can be discussed what you do to overcome a challenge.
1. Listen to your child’s more openly and proactively.
concerns Let them see you struggle with that
Listening shows parental love and When discussing the problem, ask for challenge and what you put in place
acceptance of your child, and it can your teen’s input; don’t just air your to bring about a resolution – this
help them work through a problem. views. We want to help them develop includes who you call on for assistance
Understand that teens react to their thought processes around tackling and whose input you do not concern
challenges differently from adults. problems. For this to happen, we need yourself with. Explain why you value
Their timing in terms of having a to allow them the space to express one person’s opinion over another’s.
discussion with you about something themselves so that their way of reasoning
is unpredictable, so be aware of when a and any shortcomings come to light. Whichever way you choose to unpack
conversation is opening up. these issues with your teen, the idea
Don’t force your teen to talk. Some behind it is the same: to enable them
Also, if you as the parent feel there is an teens will act as if they are not to understand the process behind how
issue that needs to be discussed, start bothered by the situation. If so, there is decisions are made. Hopefully, they have
the conversation. Ask your teen what no reason to push them. Just tell them received a practical learning opportunity.
they understand about the issue and that you are there to listen when they
what questions or concerns they have. are ready. 2. Limit your child’s exposure
Depending on the family dynamics, to social media
you can start the process or wait for Teenage life is new, strange and Open up conversations about what
your child to do so. daunting. Romance can start blooming your teenager is seeing on social
32 Waterfall City Issue 9 2023