Page 32 - Waterfall City Issue 10 October 2024
P. 32

Waterfall City Finance

                                                                                 flexible. For example, TFIs can invest
                                                                                 100% in equities, while RAs have a 75%
                                                                                 limit. If you make the correct use of the
                                                                                 TFI’s increased asset class flexibility,
                                                                                 there is the potential that this could lead
                                                                                 to higher returns over the long-term.

                                                                                After establishing your reserve for those
                                                                                important life events, deciding whether
                                                                                to opt for an RA or a TFI first will depend
                                                                                entirely on your unique circumstances.
                                                                                One consideration is your tax bracket
                                                                                (RAs provide more relief). It will also
                                                                                depend on when and how frequently
        with the flexibility they will likely   anytime. However, keep in mind that   you will need access to your investments
        require as their needs change. When   there is a lifetime limit of R500,000   (TFIs provide more flexibility), what
        considering what products to invest in,   that you can contribute to TFIs. If you   asset classes you want to invest in (TFIs
        the tips below can serve as a yardstick   withdraw funds from this product   generally offer more flexibility), and
        for young investors.                 and reinvest them later, this will   whether you will need protection against
                                             count as an additional contribution   potential future claims from creditors
        Establish a reserve that can         towards the lifetime limit. Not only   (which RAs provide).
        cater to the critical next           can you not simply recontribute
        stages of your life                  withdrawn amounts but as a result   Your unique needs and circumstances
        Discretionary investments, like the PSG   of this, withdrawals from a TFI can   will also determine how much you
        Wealth Voluntary Investment Plan, can   also negatively affect the benefits of   should contribute to your RA and how
        be a great option for young investors as   compound interest on your TFI in the   much you should contribute to your TFI.
        they offer significant flexibility, including   future. Regarding withdrawals from   The fact that these will differ from one
        accessing investment savings when    RAs, introducing the two-pot retirement   person to the next is but one reason why
        required. This type of investment is also   reforms means that from 1 September   it is advisable to consider speaking to
        useful if you have a specific savings goal   2024, members of retirement annuity   a skilled financial adviser who can help
        in mind, for example, when saving for a   funds will be able to withdraw one-third   determine your needs so that you can
        deposit on a car or your first home.  of their RA contributions each tax year.  make sound decisions on product and
                                            •  Turning to the asset classes, you can   asset class choices to give you the best
        Retirement annuities and tax-        choose to invest in each of these   chance of reaching your financial goals
        free investments                     products, TFIs are generally more   and objectives.
        Once you have established such a
        reserve, retirement annuities (RAs) and
        tax-free investments (TFIs) can be a
        formidable combination to consider
        adding to your investment portfolio.
        While there are scenarios where you
        can benefit from investing in one of
        these products and not the other, the
        combination can be powerful because of
        unique benefits, and investing in an RA
        and a TFI can offer you the best of both
        •  While the returns within both RAs and
         TFIs don’t attract tax, an RA provides
         additional benefits because the
         contribution to an RA reduces your
         taxable income and ultimate tax liability.
        •  Funds invested in a TFI are more
         accessible if needed, as these products
         allow you to withdraw your funds

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