Page 20 - Waterfall City Dec 2024_Jan 2025
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Waterfall City News
installations as a mark of respect and Waterfall City’s commitment to environments that not only please
spiritual dedication to his craft. This enhancing community within our the eye but also nourish the soul. The
level of devotion speaks volumes about lifestyle and experience hubs is evident collaboration with these students
the depth of connection between in such projects. By integrating art reflects a broader vision to celebrate
artist, culture and community. into public spaces, we aim to create South Africa’s diverse cultures and
to provide platforms where they can
flourish within a modern context.
Skhumba La! Masango and Dr Esther With its contemporary design, Waterfall
Mahlangu at the launch event City might seem an unlikely backdrop
for such a rich display of traditional art.
Yet, it’s precisely this juxtaposition that
makes the installations so impactful.
These paintings serve as a reminder
that progress does not necessitate the
abandonment of heritage. Instead,
they demonstrate how embracing
our roots can enhance and inform the
spaces we inhabit today.
For those who wander the steps
adorned with these captivating
patterns, there’s a tangible connection
to something greater: A shared history,
a collective identity, a celebration of
diversity. The art invites admiration and
reflection on the stories and traditions
that shape our society.
The Novartis steps
18 Waterfall City Issue 12 2024/Issue 1 2025