Page 15 - Waterfall City Dec 2024_Jan 2025
P. 15
The Chef
Q: If money were no object, Q: What is your favourite
what kitchen appliances South African dish to eat?
would you invest in? A: That is an easy one, Bobotie.
A: A self-cleaning oven! They are huge
time savers. Q: What will we always find
in your fridge?
Q: Who is your chef idol and A: Condensed milk.
which chefs do you follow on
social media? Q: If you could choose your
A: Gordon Ramsay, by far. I follow him, last meal, what would it be?
Jamie Oliver and a few others on social A: Condensed milk popcorn. Chef Markus would like to make Cremino al Cioccolato
media. – a dessert inspired by a classic Italian chocolate candy –
Q: What fast food is your for Gordon Ramsay.
Q: If you could prepare a secret indulgence?
meal for one celebrity, who A: A King Steers burger and chips. Visit Lupa Osteria for an authentic
would it be, and what would Roman dining experience with the
you serve? Q: Pro or anti air fryers? most beautiful view, and enjoy the
A: Gordon Ramsay. I would serve him A: 100% pro. They make life easier. best of Italian cuisine.
our Cremino al Cioccolato, as no other
dessert can top that. It is inspired by Q: If you weren’t a chef, what 066 509 3026
a classic Italian chocolate candy and would you be?
is made with layers of Nutella®, crème A: A teacher.
brûlée, smashed Nuttikrust® biscuits,
indulgent double toffee Gelato and Q: Any advice you would like
Italian meringue. to share with budding chefs?
A: Have fun, invent and let your
Q: What do you think of creativity run wild. You never know
cooking shows? Do you have what may work!
a favourite?
A: I like watching cooking shows
but find most of them pretentious in
terms of the dishes they cook. I enjoy
watching Hell’s Kitchen.
Waterfall City Issue 12 2024/Issue 1 2025 13