Page 11 - Waterfall City Dec 2024_Jan 2025
P. 11
Keeping tabs on crime
Security remains a key focus area for Waterfall City
Management Company. “While we continue to focus on
creating what can be considered a ‘criminally unfriendly’
area, it is impossible to be completely crime-free because
the community is fully representative of society at large,”
says Vos. He urges residents to act responsibly in granting
people access. “We can’t manage this without the help of our
residents,” he says. “Although it’s tempting to see Waterfall City
as a self-contained bubble, we’re not immune to political and
economic problems affecting the country.”
Waterfall City Management Company has also built strong
links with the surrounding neighbourhoods and local
authorities for the benefit of all. One project arising from
this saw the upgrade of the Woodmead Retail area, which
falls within Waterfall City’s borders, by improving the
roads, beautifying the landscaping, integrating its security “We are working more and more with our neighbouring
cameras and software into the rest of Waterfall City’s communities on security, cleanliness, infrastructure and
systems, and sharing patrol vehicles for economies of scale. maintenance,” Vos says.
Nine of the antelope introduced to Waterfall City’s greenbelt
The river and environment – you have to work with other pull up every weed by hand.
A clear example of the need to developments, the wider city of
cooperate with neighbouring Johannesburg and the province,” Vos As part of Waterfall City’s commitment
communities and authorities is the stresses. to preserving and enhancing its
Jukskei River. The litter trap does a grassland ecology, more native buck
remarkable job, but the volume of Invasive plants and trees are another species were introduced into the
junk flowing downstream is endless. environmental issue being tackled development – two Steenbok and two
across Waterfall City’s 300 hectares Common Duiker (a breeding pair of
The trap used to capture 50 to of greenbelts. Facilities Management each).
80 cubic metres of litter a month, teams have made good progress in
however in February 2024 alone it eradicating invasive species, however, Furthermore, a digital 2024 update to
caught 500 cubic metres. Education sometimes get criticised for using the Waterfall City Field Guide was also
and cleanup campaigns in the areas chemical pesticides. Vos emphasises produced, highlighting the additional
upstream are essential to mitigate that the weed killers they use are species of wildlife that have been
this challenge that plays out in environmentally friendly, and that identified on the various estates. The
Waterfall City. “You can’t deal with there is no other solution when they digital update is available to residents
environmental aspects in isolation simply don’t have the manpower to on the Waterfall City Community Portal.
Waterfall City Issue 12 2024/Issue 1 2025 9