Page 14 - Waterfall City Dec 2024_Jan 2025
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Waterfall City Lifestyle
Head Chef at Lupa Osteria, Waterfall Wilds
O ur latest Meet the Chef Q: Do you have any
profile introduces you to the
Head Chef of Lupa Osteria
A: Not yet, but I’m still young!
in Waterfall Wilds. Lupa
Osteria is a traditional Italian restaurant Q: What is your cooking style?
known as ‘your Rome away from home’. A: Modern Italian cuisine with a twist.
Chef Markus enjoys experimenting
with new flavours and textures, Q: What is your inspiration for
making sure every dish he serves is new recipes/dishes?
the best of authentic Roman dining. A: I keep track of what is in season in
Italy in summer, even though we are
Q: When did you decide to then in winter in South Africa. I like
become a chef? experimenting with new flavours and
A: When I was 14. Creating, working textures.
and playing with different flavours is
my passion. I try to evoke emotions Q: What is your favourite dish
with the food I make and love getting to prepare on your current
people to try something new that I’ve menu and why?
created. A: Lupa’s Spaghetti Bolognaise. It
sounds simple, but getting the ratios
Q: Did you study? right between the cream, beef, pork and
A: Yes, I studied at The Swiss Hotel seasoning, is what makes it exciting, and
School in Randburg, where I earned a then of course, cooking the pasta to a
Diploma in Hospitality Management. perfect al-dente.
Q: What is your favourite
home-cooked meal?
A: A hearty waterblommetjie bredie
Q: In your opinion, what is the
most underrated ingredient
and why?
A: Fresh herbs. You get so much more
flavour and fragrance from them
compared to the dried variety, which
elevates your dish to new levels.
Q: If you could cook with only
three ingredients, what would
they be?
A: Bread, cheese and hickory ham.
Q: What is one kitchen tool or
appliance you cannot function
Lupa’s Spaghetti Bolognaise is Chef Markus’ favourite dish to prepare on the Lupa Osteria menu. A: A spoon.
12 Waterfall City Issue 12 2024/Issue 1 2025