Page 43 - Waterfall City Dec 2024_Jan 2025
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take over, which can improve outcomes

                                                                                The Netcare 911 live video link
                                                                                telehealth service is provided
                                                                                through the secure Netcare
                                                                                VirtualCare platform, with all data
                                                                                encrypted to protect the caller,
                                                                                ensure patient privacy, and protect
                                                                                confidential information. Using
                                                                                the platform does not require
                                                                                downloading an app and is very user-
                                                                                friendly yet secure.

                                                                                “In emergency medical situations,
                                                                                applying technology in this innovative
                                                                                way can help save many more lives and
                                                                                inspire more South Africans with the
        emergency operations centre (EOC) is   “In this way, the caller can replicate the   knowledge to lend a hand with ‘hands
        putting life-saving skills into the hands   CPR actions, with the necessary depth   only’ CPR if needed,” Ramduth says.
        of the public with this new, innovative   and rate of chest compressions to keep
        application of telehealth video call   the patient’s blood circulating to their   A lifesaving commitment
        technology,” adds Ramduth.          vital organs until professional help   beyond summer
                                            arrives on the scene,” she says.    While summer months see a spike in
        When a caller reports an emergency                                      drowning incidents due to increased
        requiring CPR to Netcare 911’s EOC on   The video link also makes it possible   water activities, it is crucial to remain
        082 911, the coordinator immediately   for the EOC coordinators and     vigilant year-round. Water safety should
        initiates the video calling process   healthcare practitioners to do a more   always be a priority, regardless of the
        by sending the caller a link via SMS   detailed immediate assessment of   season. By adhering to these safety tips
        to a live, secure video platform. The   the patient remotely, which can   and utilising the resources provided
        caller clicks on the link to connect   be significant for clinical decision-  by Netcare 911, you can significantly
        with the Netcare 911 emergency care   making and help in the coordination   reduce the risk of drowning and be
        providers, enabling them to see and   of resources to evacuate the patient   prepared to respond effectively in any
        hear each other.                    using the most effective transport   emergency.
                                            modality available.
        “A second qualified health provider,                                    “A few simple precautions can make
        a registered nurse or paramedic,    Building confidence to save         for a less stressful experience around
        then demonstrates the relevant      lives                               water, and Netcare 911 is here to assist
        CPR technique for an adult, child or   “Through this easy-to-use service,   you in any medical emergency, no
        an infant on an appropriately sized   we hope more South Africans will   matter the time of year,” Meiring says.
        mannequin representing the patient   gain the confidence to get involved
        at our designated and specially     and assist a person in need of life-
        equipped telehealth CPR station at   saving resuscitation. It is less daunting
        our EOC. All the while, a case manager   to attempt CPR if you can copy a
        coaches the caller to copy their    professional’s actions, and all the time,
        actions to perform CPR correctly on   the caller is being encouraged and
        the patient at the scene.           coached through every step to help
                                            ensure they are doing it correctly, even
        “Thanks to the visual element of    if the caller has had no prior training,”
        the two-way video link, the caller   Ramduth adds.
        can more accurately follow the CPR
        technique required, while our ‘CPR   “This can buy precious time to save the
        coach’ provides informed and detailed   heart and brain by keeping the blood
        feedback to the caller to guide their   supply moving around the patient’s
        CPR efforts.                        body until paramedics are on scene to   Get the Netcare App now!

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