Page 44 - Waterfall City Dec 2024_Jan 2025
P. 44

Waterfall City Finance



        that spans generations

                                      By Haydn Johns, Head of PSG Life and PSG Invest, PSG Wealth

               “Creating lasting,
           intergenerational wealth
          starts with a thorough and
            robust financial plan.”

        C       reating lasting wealth to pass                                  includes the vital elements discussed

                                                                                above, matching these objectives
                down for generations to come
                                                                                with the correct product and service
                can seem an overwhelming
                task. However, taking a step-
        by-step approach to understand and                                      offering is essential. Below are some
                                                                                key considerations to weigh up when
        plan for the various considerations                                     choosing a provider to help you
        holistically helps to make it achievable.                               implement your financial plan.

        Start with a plan                                                       - Investment options
        Creating lasting, intergenerational                                     Consider whether your provider offers
        wealth starts with a thorough and                                       a range of investment funds that will
        robust financial plan. This includes (but                               provide consistent performance and
        isn’t limited to) the following:                                        help you realise your savings goals,
        •  Asset allocation planning. Ensuring                                  considering that your needs may
         that your asset classes and allocations                                change over time.
         match your risk tolerance and long-  Haydn Johns, Head of PSG Life and PSG Invest
         term goals is crucial to creating long-                                A range of traditional single-manager
         term wealth.                        beneficiaries in a way that minimises   unit trusts is a useful starting point, but
        •  Retirement income planning. You   estate costs and tax liabilities.  as these funds are managed by a single
         must build a sufficient asset base   •  Tax efficiency. Understand how to   fund manager (or management team),
         to draw an income in retirement.    use tax legislation to your advantage   they may have shortcomings. Funds of
         Being able to receive this income tax   and minimise tax liability.    funds are different in that they invest
         efficiently is a crucial consideration.                                in various single-manager unit trust
        •  Estate planning. Contemplate how   Choosing the right products       funds. As a result, investing in a fund of
         your assets are protected and how   for your needs                     funds offers the following benefits:
         they will be passed down to your   After establishing a financial plan that   •  Greater diversification across asset

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