Page 45 - Waterfall City Issue 9 September 2024
P. 45


        Clivias are one of South Africa’s indigenous super stunners and have

        become quite the collector’s dream.

                                                       By Elize Malan
        S      pring is well-known for the   average three to four years to flower   After picking your berries, remove
                                                                                the outer pulp and clean the seed
               Clivia flowers that grow in
                                            from seed.
                                                                                by washing it in a fungicide or
               abundance in shady spots.
                                                                                a week. Different growth mediums
        The upcoming Clivia Flower Show that   You can use the pollen of the same   dishwashing liquid. Let it dry for about
                                            flower to pollinate it. However, if
        takes place on 14-15 September at   two different plants are used, both   can be used – for example, two-litre
        Garden World Nursery, Beyers Naude   sets of genes are mixed, resulting   plastic ice-cream containers – with
        Drive is an excellent example of the   in a better seed set and more    the seed placed between moist
        exquisite hybrid colours of Clivia that   vigorous seedlings, which combine   paper-towelling. Keep the container
        are available. Orange is the original   characteristics of each parent.   in a warm spot, not in direct sunlight.
        dominant colour, but new hybrids come                                   The seed should germinate anywhere
        in a spectrum from red (deep orange) to   If you want to try hybridising, look   between five and 20 days, showing a
        all shades and combinations of peach,   for the plant/flower characteristics   white root but no leaves.
        yellow and green, up to the palest cream.  that appeal to you – such as colour,
                                            flower shape, number of flowers per   The germinated seeds are now ready
        A colour mutation is a genetic      head, leaf shape, etc. – and select   for planting into black plastic plant bags
        variation in a Clivia miniate, which   your parent plants that have these.   or pots about 20cm deep. A deep bag
        can be reproduced through sexual    There are numerous videos available   is needed due to the excessively fast
        reproduction, whereas a colour pattern   on YouTube explaining how to hand   growth of the roots.
        is the colour distribution on a Clivia   pollinate Clivia flowers.
        miniata flower.                                                         If you find the above too time-
                                            The seeds are enclosed in a fleshy pulp   consuming, scatter the seeds on the
        These hybrids are the result of hand-  and take several months to mature.   ground in a moist, shady place in the
        pollinated flowers for seed production.   Seeds can be harvested when the   garden and leave to germinate.
        Their large flowers make them easy   berries are still green. If left on the plant,
        to pollinate (perfect for novice plant   the berries containing the seeds will   Growing Clivias from seed is slow-going,
        breeders!), and the seed is large and   soften and colour up red or yellow after   but the results can be spectacular.
        easy to handle. The only drawback is   about 10 months. They can remain on
        that they are slow-growing, taking on   the plant for up to two years.  Source: The Garden Group

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