Page 46 - Waterfall City Issue 9 September 2024
P. 46
Waterfall City Book Reviews
African Artificial Intelligence
By Dr Mark Nasila
Artificial intelligence (AI) is upending tracing the rise of AI and its evolution into
life, work, and play as we know it and it’s the emerging technology underpinning
only just getting started. The rise of AI all others – from connected devices and
is a milestone on par with the discovery smart chatbots to the metaverse. Mark
of fire, the invention of the wheel, and combines unexpected use cases and
the creation of the internet. In short, AI is tales of cutting-edge innovation with a
going to change everything. For some, unique and potent argument: harnessing
that’s an exciting prospect. For others, AI to solve Africa’s problems requires
it’s terrifying. However you feel about embracing it from an African perspective.
AI, there’s no escaping it, whether you’re African nations can’t afford to simply
in a global metropolis or a farmer in import AI solutions from afar.
rural KwaZulu-Natal.
Instead, Mark contends, they need to
Dr Mark Nasila has been watching AI’s between, and applying them to his role rework, remix, and refine AI so it’s able
ascent for over a decade, studying its at one of South Africa’s most successful to meet uniquely African challenges
effects on everything from agriculture financial institutions, First National in uniquely African ways, and to take
and aviation to healthcare, education, Bank, a division of FirstRand Group. advantage of the once-in-a-generation
entertainment, crime prevention, opportunities.
energy management, policy African Artificial Intelligence is a
creation, finance, and anything in comprehensive and fascinating journey, Price: R360.00
Tiger, Tiger
By James Patterson
30 professional tournaments and the
How did Tiger Woods become the greatest youngest player to win all four Grand Slam
of all time? tournaments.
And how did he fall so spectacularly? Tiger, Tiger taps into the transformative
moments of Wood’s life, revealing in vivid,
Before the age of twenty-five, Tiger dramatic scenes what he saw and felt on
Woods had risen to phenomenon status: the course and in his inner life.
twice named Sportsman of the Year by
Sports Illustrated, champion of more than Price: R380.00
Veld, The Gardens and and often bold, and he uses mostly
Landscapes of Patrick Watson indigenous plants, colours, landforms
By Garreth Van Niekerk and space to create visual and
emotional experiences.
Patrick Watson is currently South Africa’s
most innovative and versatile landscape Covering 23 gardens and landscapes,
architect. Known for designing extensive and richly supported by exquisite
mega-sites, such as Sun City and an entire photographs and specially
Indian Ocean Island, he is also the creator commissioned artworks, Veld is a
of exquisite small home gardens and beautiful tribute to a remarkable talent
quiet spaces for restoration such as at and visionary whose work is deeply
the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg. informed by nature. It recognises
A highly sought-after designer, he has and celebrates the combination of
created over 200 gardens in Africa and knowledge, skill and instinct that make
many others elsewhere. up the man, and the radical influence
he has had on his profession, and the
He seldom works from carefully drawn a deep concern for the conservation landscapes he has restored.
plans, instead combining artistic intuition and restoration of nature. His projects
with extensive botanical knowledge and are creative, fresh with inspiration, Price: R650.00
44 Waterfall City Issue 9 2024