Page 11 - Dainfern Valley
P. 11

                                                                 LEVEL                                           31 August to 4 September

                                                                 VAAL DAM                               Arbor Week is about more than planting one tree
             WATER MATTERS                                                                       ith September steadily approaching,   known as the Cape Ash or Essenhout tree and
                                                                                            Wwe are eagerly gearing up to celebrate   the Rare Tree of the Year is the Adansonia
                s the country embraces the beginning of the spring season                   Spring Day but the start of September also   digitate, known as the Baobab or Kremetart
             Awhich will lead to hot summer months soon, residents of the City of           marks the start of Arbor Week.      tree.
             Johannesburg are reminded that level-1 water restrictions are still in full    The first week of September is always known   Arbor Week encourages people to think
             force.                                                                         as National Arbour Week. This is when garden   green and to think great. As vital as it is to
                                                                                            lovers are encouraged to plant trees to save   celebrate the week by thinking about the
             Here are a few simple and handy ways to reduce your water consumption          the environment. This year, the Common   trees, it’s also vital to carry that mindset
             today and every day! Ways to save water outside!                               Tree of the Year is the Ekebergia capensis,   throughout the year.

             ·   Do not leave taps dripping.
             ·   Wash your car on the grass, this will water
               your lawn at the same time.
             ·   Use a watering can instead of a hosepipe.
             ·   Shorten your showering time.
             ·  Use a glass of water to rinse when brushing
               your teeth.
             ·   Take shallow baths. Avoid filling your bath to
               a depth greater than 100mm.
             .    Cover your swimming pools.
             ·    Re-use water to water your garden or pot plants.
             ·   Fix toilet leaks.

             On an annual basis, between 06:00 - 18:00 during 1 September and 31
             March; and between 08:00 - 16h00 during 1 April and 31 August, all
             residents are prohibited from watering and irrigating their gardens.

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