Page 12 - Dainfern Valley
P. 12

       Celebrate Spring

        with this delicious and very pretty cake


       Cinnamon Cheesecake with Chocolate Crust
       Make it a day or two before and add the fruit and flowers after turning out, using the ‘upside down’
       method. In other words, the cheesecake is poured into the tin, then the biscuit base is sprinkled over
       the top.

         Serves 6 – 8                                        METHOD                                              TO TURN OUT
         INGREDIENTS                                         - Line the base of a 20cm loose-bottom pan with a neat circle of   - Place a cake stand or large flat serving plate upside down over the
         Crust                                               baking paper.                                       loose-bottom tin and invert the cake onto the plate. Gently push the
         • 7 biscuits, Romany Creams, crushed                - Melt the butter, add the crumbed biscuits and cinnamon, mix   cake out by pressing on the loose base of the tin. Remove the base.
         • 30ml melted butter                                together and keep on one side.                      Peel away the paper, which will now be on top of the cake. Decorate
         • 5ml ground cinnamon                               - Measure water into a medium size mixing bowl. Sprinkle contents   with fresh strawberries and edible flowers.
         Cheesecake                                          of pack and cinnamon over the water and beat until well blended.
         • 180ml cold tap water                              - In a smaller mixing bowl whip cream until firm. Gently fold half of
         • 1 x 25g Ina Paarman’s Lemon Flavour Cheesecake    the whipped cream into the cheesecake mixture using a spatula or
                                                                                                                                    When adding cream cheese, we
                                                             metal spoon.
         • 5ml ground cinnamon                               - Pour the cheesecake mixture into the lined loose-bottom pan. TIP
         • 250ml fresh cream                                 - Add the tub of cream cheese to the remaining whipped cream and       deviate from the recipe on the box
         • 250g tub of Cream Cheese or Smooth Cottage Cheese  stir gently until softened. Add to the cheesecake mixture and beat    by mixing the cake with slightly less
         Topping                                             on slow speed until evenly blended.                                    water. ¾ cup (180ml) instead of
         • 1 punnet strawberries                                                                                                    1 cup (250ml).
         • violets or other edible garden flowers            Sprinkle the crumbed crust mixture over. Smooth crumbs over gently
                                                             with the back of a spoon. Cover and set in the fridge overnight.
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