Page 6 - Dainfern Valley_Issue 3_2022
P. 6


       When temperatures plummet, many of us light a cosy
       fire or snuggle up to a heater to keep warm. These

       measures are potentially dangerous as they increase
       the risk of a fire breaking out. Here are tips to fireproof
       your home and keep the family safe.                                                                                    WHAT TO

                                                                                                                             DO IN THE
         •  Install a fire or smoke alarm. Test your alarm                                                           EVENT OF A FIRE:
          and change the batteries at least once a
          year.                                                                                                             • Crawl low when there is smoke.
         •  Never leave fires, candles, or any form of                                                                  • Never open a door that is hot to the touch.
          naked flame unattended.                                                                                          • Wake up everybody in the house.
         •  Never leave children unsupervised around
          fires, candles or matches.                                                                                   • If your clothing catches fire, follow this rule:
         •  Never smoke in bed and ensure that all                                                                               STOP, DROP, ROLL.
          cigarettes and candles are extinguished                                                                        • Have a safe place to meet outside, away
          before retiring for the night.
         •  If you have gas, oil or coal-burning                                                                                  from the house.
          appliances, be aware of carbon monoxide.                                                                      • Never re-enter the burning house for pets
          Ensure your home is adequately ventilated                                                                             or personal belongings.
          and equipment is regularly serviced and
         •  Keep heaters away from furniture and
         •  Turn off portable heaters, as well as gas and                                                                 If your clothing
          electric fires, before retiring for the night.
         •  Only use electric blankets with automatic                                                                 catches fire, follow
          shut-off functions.
         •  If you have an open fireplace, make sure the                                                                        this rule:
          fireguard is secure and in place.
                                                                                                                       STOP, DROP, ROLL

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