Page 2 - Dainfern Valley Issue 4_ 2023
P. 2
A Word from our Chairman
Farewell Judy
Dear Residents
Judy Veale joined Dainfern Valley as Estate Coordinator in February 2013 and
It was with some sadness that we recently bid farewell to provided the Estate with 10,5 years of valuable service. She has now decided to
Judy Veale following her decision to retire after many years of embark on her next journey and while we bid her farewell, we also celebrate the
committed and valued service to the Valley. Judy's dedication exciting adventures that lie ahead for her. We wish Judy success, happiness, and
to the gardens, estate events and resolving resident's issues fulfilment in her new endeavours.
over the years has shaped our wonderful Estate in many ways.
The Board and estate management wish Judy all the best in her
Neville Willemse has agreed to take on an extended estate man-
ager role for the foreseeable future. He will work directly with
Deborah Court to ensure that the Estate continues to function
as we have all become accustomed to. Neville and Deborah
have an excellent working relationship and so as a Board we
have the utmost confidence that the management of the Estate
is in safe hands.
Following the recent communication circulated regarding the
project which has been undertaken over the past few months
by the Board concerning our water use strategy which directly
impacts the watering of the common areas, we can confirm that
process is nearing completion and we will increase the extent of
the watering of the common areas from the end of October.
I would like to take the opportunity to wish all the matrics who
have recently started writing their Final exams all the best for
the next few weeks.
Sebastian Carter
Yours sincerely
Farewell Judy, may the future bring
2 you boundless opportunities and joy!